Sunday, October 23, 2011

Choose Life....

As i was reading my daily devotional it struct me how I find myself so busy that it is easy to neglect the word.So today a lesson to behold,Jesus is the living word and this is the time to take hold of the word and allow it to roll over in your thoughts.Remember when Martha  was busy with preparing diner and she went to Jesus to complain that her sister Mary was not helping ,and then asked that Jesus would tell her to help her.His reply was this;Martha you are troubled by many things,anxious about much [do you find your self that way] .But Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away.What portion have you chosen(the world or the Word). refresh your mind and read Luke10:39-42.then seek wisdom from Romans8:5-13,Hope that never disappoints!The mind is of flesh but the Spirit is the issues of Life.The everyday or carnal thoughts keep us away from the life giving words of God each day,caught up in what we perceive to be answers and solutions for our day to day problems rather than roll those cares on to the Lord.We forget that He is able to handle all those cares and has given us The Spirit to over come the world and its problems.So Martha chose to cook and prepare the meal,all the while forgetting how Jesus fed the five thousand. Simply put Mary chose to listen and glean the words of life.What will  chose the carnal solution (worldly thoughts),So when you are confronted with choices which will you chose? Chose the life of the Spirit or chose death of the world,as for me I chose life in the Spirit.So my friends don't live according to the dictates of the flesh for you will surely die, But through the power of the Holy Spirit put those things to death which are of the carnal mind (evil deeds prompted by your mind) and rely on the word of God to hold you, for from those words flow the issues of life;both Physical and Spiritual they are to the tearing down of evil strong holds...For the Spirit you have received is not to slavery or bondage but to freedom through Gods Word.And with this I cry ABBA FATHER!!!............IN CHRIST LOVE......tom

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