Monday, July 30, 2012

                                                 YOU  DON'T HAVE TO FALL
What a statement,think about it! How many times have we been tripped up by the devil? Yet the word of God says it doesn't have to be that way. What is the answer to standing and not falling? The word is DILIGENCE,and we need to know how important it is.We can't live a life of victory without it.If we don't feed our spirit every day we weaken our resolve to be strong in the word. Reading your bible only on Sunday will lead eventually to a starved spirit. I believe this is why we have thousands of believers trying to get by on Gods word and once a week they open the word to study and worship and when trouble comes their way they are not secure in the knowledge of Gods word. An example of this is when a pastor received a phone call and the member of his church was asking for prayer for a cancer that had reoccurred. He overheard her asking some one to find her bible so that she could follow along.  in hearing her whisper to someone to find her bible he knew that she was not going to make it! Why? No DILIGENCE ON HER PART TO STAY IN THE WORD AFTER SHE FIRST RECEIVED HER HEALING. The devil is out there 24 hrs. a day devising ways to destroy believers,WE need to be exercising our faith all the time. If we are going to defeat the devil,sickness and disease, we must  be diligent to the word,this means more than just going to church on Sundays.Diligence to the word of God will keep you from falling, so devote 7 days a week to the word be DILIGENT......A word to the wise.....ISAIAH54:17, 2PETER1:10
READ TO FIND YOURSELF APPROVED!!!! in His love........tom

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The word of God feeds your spirit and is nourishment for the soul,so read the word every day to build your faith and reliance on God. Amazing as it might seem memories of chapter and verse soon fade, so the reading of the word serves to reinforce our will to continue in our walk with Him each day. When I say that memory fades,I take thought of biting into a peach, the juices flow and I can recall the taste but there is no substance to fill my belly.Seeing and reading the word fills me, when my memory fades, what builds me up is  reading the word. So may I suggest that you not rely on memory but read the word to replenish your spiritual   thoughts and build upon your faith.Then one day you will read a verse that you have read many times before and it will take on a new meaning. Today this happened to me with the above mentioned verses, bread for the physical body but the word for your spirit.Yes when we feed our spirit with the word we grow in all that God has for us, And we learn all the more that His timing is always perfect and meant to perfect His saints. A voice cries prepare the way of the Lord; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and soon all flesh shall see it. Praise His wonderful name,for His word will stand forever.