Thursday, December 22, 2011

" Be WORD OF GOD CENTERED",Not problem centered!

This morning @2am awakened and not able to fall back asleep,I got up to read the the word and found my self in my devotional which was leading me to 2KINGS 7:1-20.And this is what the Lord showed me.
   No matter how bad the problem I'm facing today or how severe the circumstances maybe,I can be out of them in 24 hrs. You say that is impossible or might not be the will of God! But Gods will is revealed to us through scripture so see how the word leads to victory in all circumstances Gods will be done. It was four lepers that fulfilled Gods word to Elisha the prophet. So when we get problem centered we start feeling sorry for ourselves, and the pity party begins,which ends in defeat. I believe that Satan is behind every sin and problem in the world,and to defeat sin,poverty,sickness and disease, wars and  rumors of wars and everything that leads to destruction is for Gods people to shod their feet with the gospel.[read Eph.6:9-19 ] Be prepared for the battle.
when I look back at the garden and see how God had created heaven on earth an when Adam/Eve gave into temptation which brought forth the curse.But we don't need to live under that curse,For the blood that was shed at Calvary brought forth redemption.God has given us His word( JESUS) His promises of victory,His promise of overcoming,so get angry @ the devil and sin,sickness,poverty,and rise up to fight the good fight with the armor of God and the promises He gave us.They are all contained in the book of life THE HOLY Christ love.......tom

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thinking back,what is ahead?

As this day unfolded and after  having my second treatment of radiation I pondered on these words of the Lord. Stop toiling and doing and producing for the food that perishes and decomposes  [ in the using ], but strive and work and produce rather for [ lasting ] food which endures [ continually ] unto life eternal; the son of man will give (furnish) you that, for God the Father has authorized and certified and put His seal of endorsement upon Him. [ what are we to do to carry out what God requires? ] Jesus replies, This is the work (service) that God ask of you: that you believe in the one, whom He has sent [that you cleave to,trust, rely on, and have faith in His messenger.] Then I ask what miracle will you perform as a sign so that I may see and believe and rely on and adhere to you. For our forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness as the scripture says, He gave them bread out of heaven to eat. And Jesus said, It is My Father Who gives you the true heavenly Bread. For the Bread of God is He Who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world. And Jesus said, I Am the Bread of Life. And he who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes,trust,and cleaves to Me will never thirst any more. But as I told you .....I have come down from heaven not to do My will and purpose but to do the will of My Father Who sent me. And know this no one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to to come to Me. ISAIAH 54:13, "And all your (SPIRITUAL) children shall be disciples [ taught by the Lord and obedient to His will ], great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall show to be in the wrong, this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Blessed, happy, and fortunate is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold of it and binds himself fast to it......and keeps his hand from doing any evil. This is what lays ahead to those who seek with all their heart and soul to love God and to please Him by following His WORD [JESUS]....May the Lord touch your heart and open your His Love....tom