Thursday, March 28, 2013

                          WHEN GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL IS GOOD!
HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW our GOVERNMENT  HAS TURNED AGAINST GOD? It considers His word to be full of hate, myopic in it's views and damaging to society!  So the P.C. movement has been trying to deliver man from these writing by dislodging them from there view. They are trying to stop public display of any biblical point of view. Our intellectual leaders will free us from the slavery contained in Gods word (the Bible). If you are a believer, Jew or Christian, of Gods word, then you are the targets of the P.C crowd. They accuse you of being hate mongers, homophobic, racist, and anything opposite of love. And much of this has been brought on ourselves because we fail at the first commandment of God; " Love God with all your heart and mind."
To love God is to know His word and the P.C. crowd has taken this and turned it against those who would stand against the sin that is rampant in our country.You can see how deceptive and cunning the P.C. movement has become by misusing the words of God to attack His people; that is people of faith.They are cunning and their agenda is to destroy in any manner the belief in God, and to remove HIM FROM THE PUBLIC ARENA When you voice your opinion against them;don't speak out about things like abortion, government control of your children,or even the ten commandments as moral law is replaced by Political Correctness, you are the enemy of the state and all free thinking individuals. Wickedness of mans heart is hidden well by cunning and deceptive words. The word of God is seen as wickedness and needs to be extinguished,all the moral teachings need to be eradicated, any person espousing the word must be silenced from the public arena. The moral decay continues with the displacement of any religious view not conformed to the ideas of the P.C. The words of "In God We Trust" will soon be replaced by "The State we trust," The government knows better!
    But hold to your faith for the redeemer draws near....."HE WHO CAN HEAR"
In His Love,tom

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rom.8:37." We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us".
Rev.1:6. " We are kings and royal priests";for we follow in Christs authority and power we are one in Him.((Matt.17:10-23).We are world overcomers!
I am still learning  who I am in Christ Jesus; in 1 Chron.14, David is anointed king by Samuel the prophet, knowing that some day he would rule over Israel. How long did it take David to realize the power and authority he would have? How long before will it take us to realize the same thing applies to us as believers in Christ. We have been given authority and power by Jesus, but if we continue only in hope we will not see the authority and power come to fruition.We can hope all of our lives but if we don't realize that we are conquerors not just spectators the word will not return. But once we see in our selves the authority and power that has been given us, those words will return and do as we spoke.Gods word will not return void! So open your spiritual eyes and see yourself as the person God created you to be. Look with in your spirit to recognize who you are. As you realize the royal blood that flows unto you is that which Christ shed for you,take hold of Gods word, it is life to those who do.Read Eph.1: 3-23 and see; did not Jesus say that if you believe,you WILL see the Glory of God" (Jn.11:40)
He who can His love,tom

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Can you discern between good and evil? Are you able to see when confronted by others their motives behind them? Can you handle criticism,without retribution,and can you display your love for the Lord in these occasions?
   " For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are full of age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Heb.5:13-14 )
We mature in the word through practice and the training of our senses learning how to tell good from evil. We practice walking  in the Spirit and the renewing of our mind by developing habits of Godliness. That is to say reading and studying the word every day,then walking in the manner we have learned. When we chase after God He will always allow us to catch Him. But when we expect God to continually chase us we are still babes. Being strong in the Lord and growing to mature Christians is about recognizing our faults through the word and striving to correct it. There are many pressures in life that we have allowed to become habits,some bad a few good,but we must be watchful that we can discern the bad from the good. Some times we try to make God into our image and to have our will done. An example of this is is our speech, use of tobacco, even the foods we eat. We don't consider what we put into the temple and many times what comes from our mouths,cursing or blessings; We choose! Now I am a believer and as I walk in the word I find that my thinking and my habits are changing. This has evolved over a period of time as I continue in the word, praying and seeking for revelations in my spirit and mind. My flesh fights for it's own desires but my will is to obey the word. Baby steps grow to mature steps as we continue in our walk with the Lord, soon we will not need baby food but our desire will be for the meat of the word. So don't starve your spirit, develop the habit of seeking the word for all that life throws at you. So find out what real maturity is all about and read the word every day and you will soon be feeding on the meat. And those questions that I have asked will have definite answers!
He who can hear....tom

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Have you ever considered what good this country has been to the world? What a blessing we have been to an evil that permeates the world. When I look at the good our country has brought forth into a dark world, I must stop and pause to wonder why so many Americans have turned a hateful heart towards America. Yet people steal into our country for their desires to enrich and change their lives. We turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the evil that is befalling us. Their are many who have a distaste for America and only look at the dark side of our country. but what we fail to do is look at the blessing we have been to a secular and darkened world. Most Americans believe there is a God and yet carry on as if God is not concerned  with us There are a few who say there is no God, but I know there is because He lives within my heart.
 Because of our freedom and liberty we have given the world a light to measure there works,unfortunately the world is choosing to walk in darkness and in America that light is growing dim.In America our young people have been given over to secularism and morale decay is weakening our infrastructure. Now people look to government  to be their salvation, forgetting what brought about such a great nation "UNDER GOD" We attack Christians and Jews for their beliefs. We allow a few to voice their opinion as if it is the only truth, and silence those who would speak out in opposition to them, those who would speak out  against the evils of government. Now our federal government is usurping the Law and creating their own set of rules which is using PC to and the intelligentsia to abandon our constitution. We have a president who does not lead by the will of the people, he creates a scenario for his own selfish purposes and blames all who oppose him for his lack of success. We have an attorney general who uses the laws as tools to grow the power of government and forgetting that all power is from the people. And we the people are acquiescing our power to the largess of government rule. As I look back into the reasons for our government I look at the distinction between society and government,and consider the relationship between them. If we lived apart from each other there would  be no necessity for society, but since we don't it is necessary to have government to mitigate the problems that arise.And as society grows government becomes necessary to enforce regulations and laws. And as we grow we have elections to try and balance our society and it's laws. Than tyranny comes as the ruling class is empowered by money and we lose sight why government was established, by and for the people. So slowly we are turning into a monarchy were the people do not matter, only the rule of government is what matters. So my reply to this is"Give me liberty or give me death" my liberty is dependent on the power of the people not on the regulatory body of men who have no connection with the voice of the people. As we waver between liberty and enslavement, will common sense prevail?  In this age of reasoning is it not for the freethinkers to explore why enslavement of people is led by those who's intentions are to control  all thought and actions.A government that enriches those who lead by the blood of those who work.Will we not see how from socialist to dictators  we will go. Will we awaken to the evil desires of those who walk in darkness mask good intentions with their evil intent? We were created equally,that is to say we have the ability to attain to our highest goals and thoughts,so awaken and consider what we have before us, before it is lost....
In His Love,tom

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


As I look about our country I see despair (Detroit) ,Murders rampant (Chicago), Hand outs galore (Los Angeles) and control of what you eat (New York) all mans way of controlling and enslaving. Yet through this all I see someone who has not changed; Malachi 3:6 "I am the Lord, I change not." The worlds order of things is unsure and indefinite. Desperate words of uncertainty are spoken daily from radio, television,and newspapers. Everything around us seems to be in turmoil.
  The one thing I can depend on, the word of God is unchanging. I take the word as the final authority in my life, it gives me stability when all else around me is failing. When others are confused, I am confident,when under pressure, I have peace, and when overwhelmed, I am an over comer. I have decided to make Gods word the final authority, Which means believing what He says and not what the world says. I have determined in my heart to live by faith, that is the bread of life ( The Word ), not by what I see or the circumstances around me." The Lord sits enthroned for ever and He judges the world with righteousness." I have only begun to understand the love that he has for His creation and how steadfast He is to forgive.Loving ,merciful,full of grace ,and not by my will but by His. May we all delve deeply into the word and gain the wisdom put forth through the scriptures. The time spent with Him is never wasted but grows into true wisdom and understanding.....In His Love,to