Thursday, March 28, 2013

                          WHEN GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL IS GOOD!
HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW our GOVERNMENT  HAS TURNED AGAINST GOD? It considers His word to be full of hate, myopic in it's views and damaging to society!  So the P.C. movement has been trying to deliver man from these writing by dislodging them from there view. They are trying to stop public display of any biblical point of view. Our intellectual leaders will free us from the slavery contained in Gods word (the Bible). If you are a believer, Jew or Christian, of Gods word, then you are the targets of the P.C crowd. They accuse you of being hate mongers, homophobic, racist, and anything opposite of love. And much of this has been brought on ourselves because we fail at the first commandment of God; " Love God with all your heart and mind."
To love God is to know His word and the P.C. crowd has taken this and turned it against those who would stand against the sin that is rampant in our country.You can see how deceptive and cunning the P.C. movement has become by misusing the words of God to attack His people; that is people of faith.They are cunning and their agenda is to destroy in any manner the belief in God, and to remove HIM FROM THE PUBLIC ARENA When you voice your opinion against them;don't speak out about things like abortion, government control of your children,or even the ten commandments as moral law is replaced by Political Correctness, you are the enemy of the state and all free thinking individuals. Wickedness of mans heart is hidden well by cunning and deceptive words. The word of God is seen as wickedness and needs to be extinguished,all the moral teachings need to be eradicated, any person espousing the word must be silenced from the public arena. The moral decay continues with the displacement of any religious view not conformed to the ideas of the P.C. The words of "In God We Trust" will soon be replaced by "The State we trust," The government knows better!
    But hold to your faith for the redeemer draws near....."HE WHO CAN HEAR"
In His Love,tom

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Tom,
    I meant to put my comment regarding 'God's correctness' on this post and put it on the previous one.
