Saturday, August 11, 2012

                                 MEDITATE ON THE WORD   

There are times when I have trouble believing in the word of God.Not just agreeing with it mentally,but really believing that what it says will work for me! There are times in the word when the promises stagger my mind.
There have been times when i have felt so defeated and circumstances around me looked so bad that it was tough for me to believe that I was "more than a conqueror" even though I knew God said I was. So what do you do when you stagger on the promises of God? You must meditate on those promises,reflecting on the word of God and then apply them to your circumstances again and again if necessary until those words become permanent in your conscious mind. This is what happened to Abram, His wife Sara was old and barren how could they have a child ?,much less a nation full of children! How could he imagine such a thing?
So God took him out into the starry night and said "so shall thy seed be." Taking time to envision the promises of God until they become a reality in you,don't just read the word but meditate and study the promises for they are meant for us and are true. May I suggest you read Romans4:13-25 and meditate and reflect on these His love......tom

1 comment:

  1. I agree absolutely with what you have said about meditating on the word spoken to us,'we ARE more than a conqueror IN CHRIST JESUS'. We must 'take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ', 'trust in the Lord with all our heart' and 'not lean on our own understanding', praising the Lord for victory in the battle that 'belongs to the Lord' not us.
