Thursday, June 14, 2012


Realizing that we believers are living in the kingdom and that the kingdom is not a place but rather is Gods Domain (KING-DOM) The realm of His domain.It is Gods system of government. In His Domain words like sickness,failure,or I'm broke do not exist.His words are the exact opposite,they are words of life,and to live by. Rom.10:8-11 says " The word is near you,and in your mouth so confess with your mouth.....for with the heart one believes and is justified. James3:2-8 the power of the tongue is compared to the rudder of a ship,and it doesn't take much to steer, but if you don't control it you will wreck.  Much the same with our tongue,The tongue is unruly,evil,and full of deadly poison.Our words may seem small to us but according to the disciple  James they are behind everything that happens.They are like a small match that sets and burns down an entire forest. James1:2 says "If anyone among us seems to be religious,and doesn't control his tongue,he deceives himself,and his religion is vain.Luke6:45 says "That what ever a person thinks about or imagines ends up in his heart. A person not born again can't control his mouth and doesn't realize what he is saying or doing because of what is in the heart. I can verify that for before I was saved by grace my tongue spoke filth and was not very encouraging. 2Cor.10:4-5 tells us that we can bring our tongues into submission,casting down vain thoughts and imaginations and everything that exalteth its self against the knowledge of God. My first step was making an uncompromising decision to put Gods word FIRST PLACE in my life. To treat Gods word as truth and every thing that contradicts it as lies. Then do as James3:14 says " Lie not against the truth."Its simple,but not easy.After all most of my early life was speaking the worlds words which are corrupt and contradict Gods word. I found in Eph.4:29 " Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth,  unbelieving words that will corrupt your faith and life,your health and prosperity and all life around you. So if you can hear and understand why your tongue is responsible for Blessings or curses,chose life and be a blessing His love.tom

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