Monday, September 26, 2011


Why is it that the Jew can accept faith in Buddha,Hindu gods,and any other god except the Son of God.They run from scripture like the mighty waters recede from the shore.they deafen the ears to the sound of Messiah,they fear the one who out of His love gave his life for all mankind.Why is it they won't speak His name?Or ask why he proclaimed to be truth and the only way unto the Father! Is there so much fear that if what he has proclaimed is true that they might have to ask forgiveness?Why is forgiveness seen as a weakness and not as strength,and why do we walk in the opposite direction of Gods word. Do we fear that God is not truly telling us the truth about the future of mankind.Are we so scared of truth that we fabricate lies to keep us deceived from truth.These are but a few of the question that i ponder as i seek the God of Abraham,Issac and Jacob,as i read scripture and see those life giving words unfold before me,Yes i'm studying to show myself approved so when the time comes to meet my maker i too will proclaim He is LORD.

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