Quit thinking lack and measuring it with a poverty stick! When we have trouble hearing Gods word,here is some encouraging news.God is talking to us all the time and He's not hiding anything from us. He is continually fulfilling the words Jesus spoke to all of us. The Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26) will teach all things and bring them into remembrance of what He has said to you. (Jn.16:13-15)
In His lov,tom
Saturday, June 22, 2013
This is a devotional reprinted from (GOD IS FIRST). May it awaken your thoughts of Gods power and works of His Word ( Jesus).
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matt 4:1).
This is a devotional reprinted from (GOD IS FIRST). May it awaken your thoughts of Gods power and works of His Word ( Jesus).
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matt 4:1).
Jesus was led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan! After 40 days of fasting, when Jesus was at his weakest physically, Satan came to Him. He tempted Him in 3 areas where you and I are most tempted. Why would the Father require this? Jesus needed to affirm to Satan who He was and from whom He gained His authority and provision.
1) Our identity
“If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:
‘He shall give His angels charge over you, ’and,‘ In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.’” Jesus understood His identity and refused to allow Satan to redefine Him. Do not allow Satan to define your identify from anyone or anything other than God.
2) Our authority
Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God. Jesus’ authority was rooted in doing only what He saw the Father do. He did not use fleshly authority.
3) Our source of provision
And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
Today, realize your identify resides in being a son or daughter of your Heavenly Father. Your authority resides in being led by the Holy Spirit. Your provision comes from your Heavenly Father
He who can His love,tom
Friday, June 21, 2013
STOP SPEAKING OF LACK: when we are having trouble speaking and hearing Gods word it usually is because what we are thinking is blocking Gods word and voice from entering our thoughts and mind.God is talking to us all the time; He is not hiding anything from us (Mk.4:22 " nothing is hidden except to be made manifest." ) and is fulfilling all the words Jesus has spoken to us. Jn.14:26 "....He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that Jesus has said to you. Jn.16:13-15....V.14 He will glorify me,for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. ALL that the Father has is mine; therefore I said he will take what is mine and declare it to you.(HOLY SPIRIT). Jesus says " if any man has ears to hear let him hear" (V.23) So pay attention to what you hear (V.24);(V.25) for the one who has more will be given more....This is spiritual hearing,ears of faith;how much do we really believe and trust His word. A good example of this is found in Luke5:4, saying to Peter "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" And Peters reply was; well we already did that! But he did what Jesus said to do and his reward was because he LISTENED. Now visualize what the word is saying to you; Wisdom and guidance pours forth thru the word,[ Bless the Lord, ALL His works in ALL places of His dominion: Bless the Lord,O my soul.] Yes our Lord hears and we can make that decision too.
In His Love,tom
STOP SPEAKING OF LACK: when we are having trouble speaking and hearing Gods word it usually is because what we are thinking is blocking Gods word and voice from entering our thoughts and mind.God is talking to us all the time; He is not hiding anything from us (Mk.4:22 " nothing is hidden except to be made manifest." ) and is fulfilling all the words Jesus has spoken to us. Jn.14:26 "....He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that Jesus has said to you. Jn.16:13-15....V.14 He will glorify me,for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. ALL that the Father has is mine; therefore I said he will take what is mine and declare it to you.(HOLY SPIRIT). Jesus says " if any man has ears to hear let him hear" (V.23) So pay attention to what you hear (V.24);(V.25) for the one who has more will be given more....This is spiritual hearing,ears of faith;how much do we really believe and trust His word. A good example of this is found in Luke5:4, saying to Peter "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" And Peters reply was; well we already did that! But he did what Jesus said to do and his reward was because he LISTENED. Now visualize what the word is saying to you; Wisdom and guidance pours forth thru the word,[ Bless the Lord, ALL His works in ALL places of His dominion: Bless the Lord,O my soul.] Yes our Lord hears and we can make that decision too.
In His Love,tom
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I question myself this morning asking do I have patience, am I kind, do I boast and envy? Why do I seek after the Lord if I do not walk in in these precepts. As I read 1Cor.13:4-7, I realized how much the fear of the Lord acts to build up our relationship to others. Yes I have read how it is through love that Agape love is what God shows us through His word; loving the sinner as well as the believer. But what about my love; am I capable of showing that kind of love to all that come my way? Or is my love only for the people I care for or like? Faith, hope and love and of these love is the greatest. This devotional has inspired me to evaluate my walk in love;
I question myself this morning asking do I have patience, am I kind, do I boast and envy? Why do I seek after the Lord if I do not walk in in these precepts. As I read 1Cor.13:4-7, I realized how much the fear of the Lord acts to build up our relationship to others. Yes I have read how it is through love that Agape love is what God shows us through His word; loving the sinner as well as the believer. But what about my love; am I capable of showing that kind of love to all that come my way? Or is my love only for the people I care for or like? Faith, hope and love and of these love is the greatest. This devotional has inspired me to evaluate my walk in love;
Hebraic Thought
June 20
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding"(Psalms 111:10).
Education is a high priority in any society that wants to advance. Education should be sought after by every believer in Jesus Christ in order to better understand God's ways. However, education that is not mixed with faith and obedience will result in programmatic religion.
In the early Hebraic church, wisdom was gained by obedience. Hebrews learned that wisdom was gained by knowing and doing the will of God and that it often did not line up with logic. However, as the church became impacted by the Greek culture through the influence of scholars like Socrates and Aristotle, knowledge-based systems became more influential in the way education was taught and applied. Greeks believed that the way to gain knowledge was based on reason and analysis.
When Joshua walked around the city of Jericho seven times blowing his trumpets, he was exhibiting a Hebraic model of decision-making - pure obedience. Logic and reason played no part in this decision. When Elisha instructed the army general to go wash in a lake in order to be healed of leprosy, it confronted his intellect. This was Hebraic thought rooted in obedience.
The Church has moved into a more knowledge-based and programmatic system of operation over the centuries, rather than obedience-based methods that are motivated by a heart fully devoted to following God. We've replaced obedience with reason, logic, and slick marketing for attractive programs to entice people into our churches.
Ultimately, God desires us to take the Hebraic approach when making decisions. He wants us to make decisions based on our heart's desire to follow Him.
I have forgotten LOVE;I have replaced it with reasoning!
This morning I pray Lord teach me to Love, add your wisdom of Love to my every desire to walk in your precepts and to listen to your voice, to LOVE all that come unto my path for you have allowed this to be.......
In His Love,tom
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways" (Isaiah 55:8-9).
God speaks to his children in many varied ways. God has said that his ways are not our ways. If left to our reasoning, we will fail to fully walk in the full counsel of God, which leads to poor decisions.
Thus, our goal is to avoid being deceived and to develop a listening ear that hears the voice of God with confidence. Our goal is to have such intimacy with God that we can walk in the full blessing of our decisions and to be assured they are not based on our own reasoning alone. This does not mean that we do not use the intellectual and logical skills that He has equipped us with.
A.W. Tozer said that the man or woman who is wholly and joyously surrendered to Christ can't make a wrong choice - any choice will be the right one. J. Oswald Sanders explains his method of receiving guidance from God for decisions; "I try to gather all the information and all the facts that are involved in a decision, and then weigh them up and pray over them in the Lord's presence, and trust the Holy Spirit to sway my mind in the direction of God's will. And God generally guides by presenting reasons to my mind for acting in a certain way."
The apostle Paul said, "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose (Philippians 2:13). God has equipped us with everything we need to make good decisions. Hearing His voice is the first step toward making right choices in life.
Do you have a decision to make? Submit that decision to the Lord, ask God for clarity. Ask Him to make the desires of your heart the same desires that He has for you in this matter. Await His perfect timing on the matter. Then you can be assured of making the right decisions.
Friday, April 5, 2013
JN.17:21, " That they may be one; as thou, father,are in me,and I in thee (you), that they also maybe one in us: That the WORLD may believe thou has sent me."( Jesus ).
It's time we as believers, begin to enter into oneness that Jesus prayed for. We need each other in both the good and bad times. We need to realize how much we need each other! This quote is taken from [Here We Stand]; " Though we do not think alike, May we not Love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?" If your heart is as my heart, if you love God and all man kind, I ask no more: give me your hand." I rest in the sufficiency of Holy scripture. Give me the Book of God, it is knowledge enough for me. Together we can face anything and win in Jesus. Jn.3:34, God gave Jesus the Holy Spirit without measure, Jesus is more powerful than all the demons in hell and greater than Satan himself, He defeated all their combined power! Romans 12:1-8, we are not only a living sacrifice but contain in us the gift of Grace. We'r not special, but together we become one in Christ Jesus, so lets bind together and use the gifts of Grace that have been appointed to us whether it is prophesy,service,exhortation,generosity,zeal,or acts of mercy. this is what makes us strong in the Lord. Hold fast to what is good and don't allow the spirit of slothfulness to steal your Joy...REJOICE IN HOPE
H.W.C.H. in His love,tom
JN.17:21, " That they may be one; as thou, father,are in me,and I in thee (you), that they also maybe one in us: That the WORLD may believe thou has sent me."( Jesus ).
It's time we as believers, begin to enter into oneness that Jesus prayed for. We need each other in both the good and bad times. We need to realize how much we need each other! This quote is taken from [Here We Stand]; " Though we do not think alike, May we not Love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?" If your heart is as my heart, if you love God and all man kind, I ask no more: give me your hand." I rest in the sufficiency of Holy scripture. Give me the Book of God, it is knowledge enough for me. Together we can face anything and win in Jesus. Jn.3:34, God gave Jesus the Holy Spirit without measure, Jesus is more powerful than all the demons in hell and greater than Satan himself, He defeated all their combined power! Romans 12:1-8, we are not only a living sacrifice but contain in us the gift of Grace. We'r not special, but together we become one in Christ Jesus, so lets bind together and use the gifts of Grace that have been appointed to us whether it is prophesy,service,exhortation,generosity,zeal,or acts of mercy. this is what makes us strong in the Lord. Hold fast to what is good and don't allow the spirit of slothfulness to steal your Joy...REJOICE IN HOPE
H.W.C.H. in His love,tom
Thursday, March 28, 2013
HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW our GOVERNMENT HAS TURNED AGAINST GOD? It considers His word to be full of hate, myopic in it's views and damaging to society! So the P.C. movement has been trying to deliver man from these writing by dislodging them from there view. They are trying to stop public display of any biblical point of view. Our intellectual leaders will free us from the slavery contained in Gods word (the Bible). If you are a believer, Jew or Christian, of Gods word, then you are the targets of the P.C crowd. They accuse you of being hate mongers, homophobic, racist, and anything opposite of love. And much of this has been brought on ourselves because we fail at the first commandment of God; " Love God with all your heart and mind."
To love God is to know His word and the P.C. crowd has taken this and turned it against those who would stand against the sin that is rampant in our country.You can see how deceptive and cunning the P.C. movement has become by misusing the words of God to attack His people; that is people of faith.They are cunning and their agenda is to destroy in any manner the belief in God, and to remove HIM FROM THE PUBLIC ARENA When you voice your opinion against them;don't speak out about things like abortion, government control of your children,or even the ten commandments as moral law is replaced by Political Correctness, you are the enemy of the state and all free thinking individuals. Wickedness of mans heart is hidden well by cunning and deceptive words. The word of God is seen as wickedness and needs to be extinguished,all the moral teachings need to be eradicated, any person espousing the word must be silenced from the public arena. The moral decay continues with the displacement of any religious view not conformed to the ideas of the P.C. The words of "In God We Trust" will soon be replaced by "The State we trust," The government knows better!
But hold to your faith for the redeemer draws near....."HE WHO CAN HEAR"
In His Love,tom
HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW our GOVERNMENT HAS TURNED AGAINST GOD? It considers His word to be full of hate, myopic in it's views and damaging to society! So the P.C. movement has been trying to deliver man from these writing by dislodging them from there view. They are trying to stop public display of any biblical point of view. Our intellectual leaders will free us from the slavery contained in Gods word (the Bible). If you are a believer, Jew or Christian, of Gods word, then you are the targets of the P.C crowd. They accuse you of being hate mongers, homophobic, racist, and anything opposite of love. And much of this has been brought on ourselves because we fail at the first commandment of God; " Love God with all your heart and mind."
To love God is to know His word and the P.C. crowd has taken this and turned it against those who would stand against the sin that is rampant in our country.You can see how deceptive and cunning the P.C. movement has become by misusing the words of God to attack His people; that is people of faith.They are cunning and their agenda is to destroy in any manner the belief in God, and to remove HIM FROM THE PUBLIC ARENA When you voice your opinion against them;don't speak out about things like abortion, government control of your children,or even the ten commandments as moral law is replaced by Political Correctness, you are the enemy of the state and all free thinking individuals. Wickedness of mans heart is hidden well by cunning and deceptive words. The word of God is seen as wickedness and needs to be extinguished,all the moral teachings need to be eradicated, any person espousing the word must be silenced from the public arena. The moral decay continues with the displacement of any religious view not conformed to the ideas of the P.C. The words of "In God We Trust" will soon be replaced by "The State we trust," The government knows better!
But hold to your faith for the redeemer draws near....."HE WHO CAN HEAR"
In His Love,tom
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Rom.8:37." We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us".
Rev.1:6. " We are kings and royal priests";for we follow in Christs authority and power we are one in Him.((Matt.17:10-23).We are world overcomers!
I am still learning who I am in Christ Jesus; in 1 Chron.14, David is anointed king by Samuel the prophet, knowing that some day he would rule over Israel. How long did it take David to realize the power and authority he would have? How long before will it take us to realize the same thing applies to us as believers in Christ. We have been given authority and power by Jesus, but if we continue only in hope we will not see the authority and power come to fruition.We can hope all of our lives but if we don't realize that we are conquerors not just spectators the word will not return. But once we see in our selves the authority and power that has been given us, those words will return and do as we spoke.Gods word will not return void! So open your spiritual eyes and see yourself as the person God created you to be. Look with in your spirit to recognize who you are. As you realize the royal blood that flows unto you is that which Christ shed for you,take hold of Gods word, it is life to those who do.Read Eph.1: 3-23 and see; did not Jesus say that if you believe,you WILL see the Glory of God" (Jn.11:40)
He who can His love,tom
Rom.8:37." We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us".
Rev.1:6. " We are kings and royal priests";for we follow in Christs authority and power we are one in Him.((Matt.17:10-23).We are world overcomers!
I am still learning who I am in Christ Jesus; in 1 Chron.14, David is anointed king by Samuel the prophet, knowing that some day he would rule over Israel. How long did it take David to realize the power and authority he would have? How long before will it take us to realize the same thing applies to us as believers in Christ. We have been given authority and power by Jesus, but if we continue only in hope we will not see the authority and power come to fruition.We can hope all of our lives but if we don't realize that we are conquerors not just spectators the word will not return. But once we see in our selves the authority and power that has been given us, those words will return and do as we spoke.Gods word will not return void! So open your spiritual eyes and see yourself as the person God created you to be. Look with in your spirit to recognize who you are. As you realize the royal blood that flows unto you is that which Christ shed for you,take hold of Gods word, it is life to those who do.Read Eph.1: 3-23 and see; did not Jesus say that if you believe,you WILL see the Glory of God" (Jn.11:40)
He who can His love,tom
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Can you discern between good and evil? Are you able to see when confronted by others their motives behind them? Can you handle criticism,without retribution,and can you display your love for the Lord in these occasions?
" For every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are full of age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Heb.5:13-14 )
We mature in the word through practice and the training of our senses learning how to tell good from evil. We practice walking in the Spirit and the renewing of our mind by developing habits of Godliness. That is to say reading and studying the word every day,then walking in the manner we have learned. When we chase after God He will always allow us to catch Him. But when we expect God to continually chase us we are still babes. Being strong in the Lord and growing to mature Christians is about recognizing our faults through the word and striving to correct it. There are many pressures in life that we have allowed to become habits,some bad a few good,but we must be watchful that we can discern the bad from the good. Some times we try to make God into our image and to have our will done. An example of this is is our speech, use of tobacco, even the foods we eat. We don't consider what we put into the temple and many times what comes from our mouths,cursing or blessings; We choose! Now I am a believer and as I walk in the word I find that my thinking and my habits are changing. This has evolved over a period of time as I continue in the word, praying and seeking for revelations in my spirit and mind. My flesh fights for it's own desires but my will is to obey the word. Baby steps grow to mature steps as we continue in our walk with the Lord, soon we will not need baby food but our desire will be for the meat of the word. So don't starve your spirit, develop the habit of seeking the word for all that life throws at you. So find out what real maturity is all about and read the word every day and you will soon be feeding on the meat. And those questions that I have asked will have definite answers!
He who can hear....tom
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Have you ever considered what good this country has been to the world? What a blessing we have been to an evil that permeates the world. When I look at the good our country has brought forth into a dark world, I must stop and pause to wonder why so many Americans have turned a hateful heart towards America. Yet people steal into our country for their desires to enrich and change their lives. We turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the evil that is befalling us. Their are many who have a distaste for America and only look at the dark side of our country. but what we fail to do is look at the blessing we have been to a secular and darkened world. Most Americans believe there is a God and yet carry on as if God is not concerned with us There are a few who say there is no God, but I know there is because He lives within my heart.
Because of our freedom and liberty we have given the world a light to measure there works,unfortunately the world is choosing to walk in darkness and in America that light is growing dim.In America our young people have been given over to secularism and morale decay is weakening our infrastructure. Now people look to government to be their salvation, forgetting what brought about such a great nation "UNDER GOD" We attack Christians and Jews for their beliefs. We allow a few to voice their opinion as if it is the only truth, and silence those who would speak out in opposition to them, those who would speak out against the evils of government. Now our federal government is usurping the Law and creating their own set of rules which is using PC to and the intelligentsia to abandon our constitution. We have a president who does not lead by the will of the people, he creates a scenario for his own selfish purposes and blames all who oppose him for his lack of success. We have an attorney general who uses the laws as tools to grow the power of government and forgetting that all power is from the people. And we the people are acquiescing our power to the largess of government rule. As I look back into the reasons for our government I look at the distinction between society and government,and consider the relationship between them. If we lived apart from each other there would be no necessity for society, but since we don't it is necessary to have government to mitigate the problems that arise.And as society grows government becomes necessary to enforce regulations and laws. And as we grow we have elections to try and balance our society and it's laws. Than tyranny comes as the ruling class is empowered by money and we lose sight why government was established, by and for the people. So slowly we are turning into a monarchy were the people do not matter, only the rule of government is what matters. So my reply to this is"Give me liberty or give me death" my liberty is dependent on the power of the people not on the regulatory body of men who have no connection with the voice of the people. As we waver between liberty and enslavement, will common sense prevail? In this age of reasoning is it not for the freethinkers to explore why enslavement of people is led by those who's intentions are to control all thought and actions.A government that enriches those who lead by the blood of those who work.Will we not see how from socialist to dictators we will go. Will we awaken to the evil desires of those who walk in darkness mask good intentions with their evil intent? We were created equally,that is to say we have the ability to attain to our highest goals and thoughts,so awaken and consider what we have before us, before it is lost....
In His Love,tom
Have you ever considered what good this country has been to the world? What a blessing we have been to an evil that permeates the world. When I look at the good our country has brought forth into a dark world, I must stop and pause to wonder why so many Americans have turned a hateful heart towards America. Yet people steal into our country for their desires to enrich and change their lives. We turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the evil that is befalling us. Their are many who have a distaste for America and only look at the dark side of our country. but what we fail to do is look at the blessing we have been to a secular and darkened world. Most Americans believe there is a God and yet carry on as if God is not concerned with us There are a few who say there is no God, but I know there is because He lives within my heart.
Because of our freedom and liberty we have given the world a light to measure there works,unfortunately the world is choosing to walk in darkness and in America that light is growing dim.In America our young people have been given over to secularism and morale decay is weakening our infrastructure. Now people look to government to be their salvation, forgetting what brought about such a great nation "UNDER GOD" We attack Christians and Jews for their beliefs. We allow a few to voice their opinion as if it is the only truth, and silence those who would speak out in opposition to them, those who would speak out against the evils of government. Now our federal government is usurping the Law and creating their own set of rules which is using PC to and the intelligentsia to abandon our constitution. We have a president who does not lead by the will of the people, he creates a scenario for his own selfish purposes and blames all who oppose him for his lack of success. We have an attorney general who uses the laws as tools to grow the power of government and forgetting that all power is from the people. And we the people are acquiescing our power to the largess of government rule. As I look back into the reasons for our government I look at the distinction between society and government,and consider the relationship between them. If we lived apart from each other there would be no necessity for society, but since we don't it is necessary to have government to mitigate the problems that arise.And as society grows government becomes necessary to enforce regulations and laws. And as we grow we have elections to try and balance our society and it's laws. Than tyranny comes as the ruling class is empowered by money and we lose sight why government was established, by and for the people. So slowly we are turning into a monarchy were the people do not matter, only the rule of government is what matters. So my reply to this is"Give me liberty or give me death" my liberty is dependent on the power of the people not on the regulatory body of men who have no connection with the voice of the people. As we waver between liberty and enslavement, will common sense prevail? In this age of reasoning is it not for the freethinkers to explore why enslavement of people is led by those who's intentions are to control all thought and actions.A government that enriches those who lead by the blood of those who work.Will we not see how from socialist to dictators we will go. Will we awaken to the evil desires of those who walk in darkness mask good intentions with their evil intent? We were created equally,that is to say we have the ability to attain to our highest goals and thoughts,so awaken and consider what we have before us, before it is lost....
In His Love,tom
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
As I look about our country I see despair (Detroit) ,Murders rampant (Chicago), Hand outs galore (Los Angeles) and control of what you eat (New York) all mans way of controlling and enslaving. Yet through this all I see someone who has not changed; Malachi 3:6 "I am the Lord, I change not." The worlds order of things is unsure and indefinite. Desperate words of uncertainty are spoken daily from radio, television,and newspapers. Everything around us seems to be in turmoil.
The one thing I can depend on, the word of God is unchanging. I take the word as the final authority in my life, it gives me stability when all else around me is failing. When others are confused, I am confident,when under pressure, I have peace, and when overwhelmed, I am an over comer. I have decided to make Gods word the final authority, Which means believing what He says and not what the world says. I have determined in my heart to live by faith, that is the bread of life ( The Word ), not by what I see or the circumstances around me." The Lord sits enthroned for ever and He judges the world with righteousness." I have only begun to understand the love that he has for His creation and how steadfast He is to forgive.Loving ,merciful,full of grace ,and not by my will but by His. May we all delve deeply into the word and gain the wisdom put forth through the scriptures. The time spent with Him is never wasted but grows into true wisdom and understanding.....In His Love,to
As I look about our country I see despair (Detroit) ,Murders rampant (Chicago), Hand outs galore (Los Angeles) and control of what you eat (New York) all mans way of controlling and enslaving. Yet through this all I see someone who has not changed; Malachi 3:6 "I am the Lord, I change not." The worlds order of things is unsure and indefinite. Desperate words of uncertainty are spoken daily from radio, television,and newspapers. Everything around us seems to be in turmoil.
The one thing I can depend on, the word of God is unchanging. I take the word as the final authority in my life, it gives me stability when all else around me is failing. When others are confused, I am confident,when under pressure, I have peace, and when overwhelmed, I am an over comer. I have decided to make Gods word the final authority, Which means believing what He says and not what the world says. I have determined in my heart to live by faith, that is the bread of life ( The Word ), not by what I see or the circumstances around me." The Lord sits enthroned for ever and He judges the world with righteousness." I have only begun to understand the love that he has for His creation and how steadfast He is to forgive.Loving ,merciful,full of grace ,and not by my will but by His. May we all delve deeply into the word and gain the wisdom put forth through the scriptures. The time spent with Him is never wasted but grows into true wisdom and understanding.....In His Love,to
Thursday, February 28, 2013
There are three major reasons why some Jewish people don't investigate the claims that Jesus is the Messiah. First, the mot anti-Semitic people,historically, have called themselves Christians. By definition, the name "Christian" means follower of the Messiah. Any person who is prejudiced and violent is the farthest thing from being a follower of the Messiah. These "Christians" may have worn large crosses and attended church, but their actions proved they were not followers of the Messiah,Prince of Peace.
Second,we Jews believe in one God. Believers in the Messiah also believe in one God. But God's essence is infinite,beyond complete comprehension. The rabbis even called Him the Eyn Sof-the One without End. From the scriptures, we understand that our God can manifest Himself in more than one way. There is much evidence of this in the Torah. Did you ever wonder who was with God when He made man?-" Let us make man in our image,after our likeness." (Gen,1:26). Why must the One true God be as limited as man?
Incidentally, I don't pray to the Messiah. My forefathers prayed to God through the Jewish high priest.My High Priest is Jesus. One of the reasons the Jewish people don't seek after Jesus is because the rabbis tell them they will no longer be Jewish. But if Jesus is the Messiah than there is nothing more Jewish than believing in Him! So who is Jesus? The Messiah had to be born in Bethleham according to scripture.In fact,all rabbis worldwide could save themselves a lot of trouble if they understood why Rabbi Yochanon Ben Zakkai,the architect modern-day rabbinic Judaism didn't know whether he personally would go to Heaven or Hell. A rabbi asked " If a blind man follows another blind man,won't they both fall into a ditch?"
Is there life after death? what do the Jewish scriptures tell us; Daniel12:1-2,says " At that time shall thy people be delivered, everyone that is written in the book of life "Is your name in the book of life? Think for yourself.
There are three major reasons why some Jewish people don't investigate the claims that Jesus is the Messiah. First, the mot anti-Semitic people,historically, have called themselves Christians. By definition, the name "Christian" means follower of the Messiah. Any person who is prejudiced and violent is the farthest thing from being a follower of the Messiah. These "Christians" may have worn large crosses and attended church, but their actions proved they were not followers of the Messiah,Prince of Peace.
Second,we Jews believe in one God. Believers in the Messiah also believe in one God. But God's essence is infinite,beyond complete comprehension. The rabbis even called Him the Eyn Sof-the One without End. From the scriptures, we understand that our God can manifest Himself in more than one way. There is much evidence of this in the Torah. Did you ever wonder who was with God when He made man?-" Let us make man in our image,after our likeness." (Gen,1:26). Why must the One true God be as limited as man?
Incidentally, I don't pray to the Messiah. My forefathers prayed to God through the Jewish high priest.My High Priest is Jesus. One of the reasons the Jewish people don't seek after Jesus is because the rabbis tell them they will no longer be Jewish. But if Jesus is the Messiah than there is nothing more Jewish than believing in Him! So who is Jesus? The Messiah had to be born in Bethleham according to scripture.In fact,all rabbis worldwide could save themselves a lot of trouble if they understood why Rabbi Yochanon Ben Zakkai,the architect modern-day rabbinic Judaism didn't know whether he personally would go to Heaven or Hell. A rabbi asked " If a blind man follows another blind man,won't they both fall into a ditch?"
Is there life after death? what do the Jewish scriptures tell us; Daniel12:1-2,says " At that time shall thy people be delivered, everyone that is written in the book of life "Is your name in the book of life? Think for yourself.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
We are a chosen people and the Lord is keeping His oath that he swore to our forefathers. Know therefore that the Lord our God is faithful, He who keeps covenant and love to those who love Him and keep His laws and commandments; to a thousand generations! He will not be slack to repay the ones who hate Him .
( Job34:11) "For according to the work of a man He will repay him..."and because we keep His commandments He will keep us with His steadfast love and we shall be blessed above all people.And He will take away all our sickness and none of the evil diseases will he inflict on you. 2Pet.3:9, " the Lord is not slow to fulfill His promises as some count slowness but is patient towards you(us) with His steadfast love, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."AMEN!
Duet.8:3...." That He might make you to know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Fear God and walk in His ways,and bless Him for all the good He has given you. And take care lest we forget the Lord our God by not keeping His commandments. Be careful to not let gold and silver,houses and land, or the things of this world be lifted up in your heart and we soon forget the Lord our God. Be careful not to say that by the power of your hand has brought you all these things, for surely you shall perish for not obeying the voice of the Lord.
I ask myself is this what our government has done? Are we turning blind and deaf to the laws of the land[Constitution] I'm not speaking of religion but the commandments of God included in our constitution.We reap what we sow,and is our government rebelling against those inalienable rights.We see the the perversion and destruction of our constitution and the government by the people is now people for the government! What next shall we see as the evil world arms itself with nuclear power, possibly one world government to keep the free enslaved to the powers that be? Possibly so and we might see the destruction of the world by fire(nuclear) yes evil might reign for awhile? God only knows but he has shone us away of escape through His mercy and grace; [Rom.12:2] "be not conformed to this world: but by the renewing of your mind."
We are a chosen people and the Lord is keeping His oath that he swore to our forefathers. Know therefore that the Lord our God is faithful, He who keeps covenant and love to those who love Him and keep His laws and commandments; to a thousand generations! He will not be slack to repay the ones who hate Him .
( Job34:11) "For according to the work of a man He will repay him..."and because we keep His commandments He will keep us with His steadfast love and we shall be blessed above all people.And He will take away all our sickness and none of the evil diseases will he inflict on you. 2Pet.3:9, " the Lord is not slow to fulfill His promises as some count slowness but is patient towards you(us) with His steadfast love, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."AMEN!
Duet.8:3...." That He might make you to know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Fear God and walk in His ways,and bless Him for all the good He has given you. And take care lest we forget the Lord our God by not keeping His commandments. Be careful to not let gold and silver,houses and land, or the things of this world be lifted up in your heart and we soon forget the Lord our God. Be careful not to say that by the power of your hand has brought you all these things, for surely you shall perish for not obeying the voice of the Lord.
I ask myself is this what our government has done? Are we turning blind and deaf to the laws of the land[Constitution] I'm not speaking of religion but the commandments of God included in our constitution.We reap what we sow,and is our government rebelling against those inalienable rights.We see the the perversion and destruction of our constitution and the government by the people is now people for the government! What next shall we see as the evil world arms itself with nuclear power, possibly one world government to keep the free enslaved to the powers that be? Possibly so and we might see the destruction of the world by fire(nuclear) yes evil might reign for awhile? God only knows but he has shone us away of escape through His mercy and grace; [Rom.12:2] "be not conformed to this world: but by the renewing of your mind."
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Revelations 1:8, "I am the Alpha and the Omega" This is the powerful truth that can be applied now,today.
Jesus said He is the beginning and the end and when you read Jn.1:1 you see that He is the word which means we start at the beginning with the word (Jesus). So this is the first step in knowing in knowing Gods will. Colossians 1:23, says " Continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you (are learning) have heard." The only way the devil can defeat us is through pressuring us to doubt.Do not disregard the word it is life to those who find it. Every challenge that the devil brings is to defeat your thoughts on Gods word (Jesus), so settle in on Gods word by prayer and supplication and stay with His word forever.
Jesus say He is the beginning and the end,so no matter what man or the devil say really don't matter, doctors or pastors are not the last word.The last word is what God says and Jesus has done. Remember this: You and I are what the WORD says we are, so search the scriptures to find who you are in Christ Jesus and the promises that are ours.For the word says we have life in Christ. Hallelujah,Amen,Praise God!! We have the word and the breakthrough is coming; settle ourselves on Him and be assured He is the last word.
Revelations 1:8, "I am the Alpha and the Omega" This is the powerful truth that can be applied now,today.
Jesus said He is the beginning and the end and when you read Jn.1:1 you see that He is the word which means we start at the beginning with the word (Jesus). So this is the first step in knowing in knowing Gods will. Colossians 1:23, says " Continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you (are learning) have heard." The only way the devil can defeat us is through pressuring us to doubt.Do not disregard the word it is life to those who find it. Every challenge that the devil brings is to defeat your thoughts on Gods word (Jesus), so settle in on Gods word by prayer and supplication and stay with His word forever.
Jesus say He is the beginning and the end,so no matter what man or the devil say really don't matter, doctors or pastors are not the last word.The last word is what God says and Jesus has done. Remember this: You and I are what the WORD says we are, so search the scriptures to find who you are in Christ Jesus and the promises that are ours.For the word says we have life in Christ. Hallelujah,Amen,Praise God!! We have the word and the breakthrough is coming; settle ourselves on Him and be assured He is the last word.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Religious debate is were we many times go wrong. Religion would argue rather than see someone delivered.
An example of this is in Luke 13:10-17. Jesus heals a woman who has been bent over for 18 years. Jesus called her a daughter of Abraham and set her free. She had been bound for nearly two decades and at that moment you and I would go rejoicing and praising God for her deliverance, but not the religious of the times.
They were upset because he healed on the Sabbath, now think on how we get caught up in religion and our philosophy and loose sight of the word. Questions arise such as ( maybe it isn't Gods will.) (maybe God wants to show or teach us something.) [ MAYBE!], Doubt, fear,unbelief all come into play, it is what keeps us bound. The rulers in the church had six days a week for 18 years to pray for this woman and never did anything. And when Jesus did it on the Sabbath they used it against Him. We do much the same thing by our doubts and questions. If someone needs healing or deliverance step out in faith
( GODS WORD),Walk by faith not by sight,speak to that mountain, Speak it from your heart not from theology. The question isn't why we don't see the deliverance but WHY WE HAVEN'T DELIVERED THEM? There is a difference between religion and loving, Love acts and doesn't question. Choose love and act now in Christ Jesus, and if we fail to act may we be put to shame.......
He who can hear.....tom
Religious debate is were we many times go wrong. Religion would argue rather than see someone delivered.
An example of this is in Luke 13:10-17. Jesus heals a woman who has been bent over for 18 years. Jesus called her a daughter of Abraham and set her free. She had been bound for nearly two decades and at that moment you and I would go rejoicing and praising God for her deliverance, but not the religious of the times.
They were upset because he healed on the Sabbath, now think on how we get caught up in religion and our philosophy and loose sight of the word. Questions arise such as ( maybe it isn't Gods will.) (maybe God wants to show or teach us something.) [ MAYBE!], Doubt, fear,unbelief all come into play, it is what keeps us bound. The rulers in the church had six days a week for 18 years to pray for this woman and never did anything. And when Jesus did it on the Sabbath they used it against Him. We do much the same thing by our doubts and questions. If someone needs healing or deliverance step out in faith
( GODS WORD),Walk by faith not by sight,speak to that mountain, Speak it from your heart not from theology. The question isn't why we don't see the deliverance but WHY WE HAVEN'T DELIVERED THEM? There is a difference between religion and loving, Love acts and doesn't question. Choose love and act now in Christ Jesus, and if we fail to act may we be put to shame.......
He who can hear.....tom
Friday, January 25, 2013
Have we not realized the power and authority of Gods word, (Psalm18:37-38 ) " I have pursued my ."enemies, and have overtaken them.....they are fallen under my feet."
The book of Phil.2:9, " Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,[ JESUS] and every knee shall bow,in heaven and on earth,and under the earth,every tongue will confess that JESUS is Lord. As we read in Matthew16:19, " I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and what ever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. We can speak the word and loose the angelic forces of God to work on our behalf. yes we can bind wicked spirits of sickness ,disease,poverty,and social injustice, all spiritual wickedness. Why is it so easy to given in to Satan's attacks rather than Gods words to defend ourselves. Don't we trust His words? Are we so inhibited to react with the Word of God and so easily swayed by such sayings as ( it might not be Gods will!).I can't see anywhere in the word where Jesus was sick ,diseased or poverty stricken. I am the redeem of the Lord and by no way am going to be lead astray by the craftiness of the devil; He is only seeking whom he can devour, I will not be devoured for it is the word of God that abides in me. We say we believe but when the time comes to stand were not sure,what kind of faith is that.We ask if it is Gods will and then wait upon the Lord to move, when all the time He has already accomplished what we are asking for. Awake to the word that is in you,set your mind and heart on Him,His word will not return void Matt.16:18," The gates of Hell will not prevail....." WE THE CHRUCH WILL PREVAIL!
in his love,tom [ hewhocanhear ]
Have we not realized the power and authority of Gods word, (Psalm18:37-38 ) " I have pursued my ."enemies, and have overtaken them.....they are fallen under my feet."
The book of Phil.2:9, " Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,[ JESUS] and every knee shall bow,in heaven and on earth,and under the earth,every tongue will confess that JESUS is Lord. As we read in Matthew16:19, " I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and what ever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,and what ever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. We can speak the word and loose the angelic forces of God to work on our behalf. yes we can bind wicked spirits of sickness ,disease,poverty,and social injustice, all spiritual wickedness. Why is it so easy to given in to Satan's attacks rather than Gods words to defend ourselves. Don't we trust His words? Are we so inhibited to react with the Word of God and so easily swayed by such sayings as ( it might not be Gods will!).I can't see anywhere in the word where Jesus was sick ,diseased or poverty stricken. I am the redeem of the Lord and by no way am going to be lead astray by the craftiness of the devil; He is only seeking whom he can devour, I will not be devoured for it is the word of God that abides in me. We say we believe but when the time comes to stand were not sure,what kind of faith is that.We ask if it is Gods will and then wait upon the Lord to move, when all the time He has already accomplished what we are asking for. Awake to the word that is in you,set your mind and heart on Him,His word will not return void Matt.16:18," The gates of Hell will not prevail....." WE THE CHRUCH WILL PREVAIL!
in his love,tom [ hewhocanhear ]
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
JESUS was sent to show us that he is the healer,the father sent His son not to condemn the world but to bring redemption. The lie that has been perpetrated is that God punishes us by bring disaster into our lives,sickness and disease to make us suffer! NOT TRUE, Jesus came to heal not punish and the father has given us His word ( JESUS ) to show us how to walk in His love. Love is forgiving,caring,mercy,grace and some much more. Understanding that this is all a part of Gods love (AGAPE ). In Matt.9:18-24, Jesus shows us these actions in His healing compassion. When asked by a ruler and father to come to his home and deliver his daughter from death. Jesus went and followed him home and on the way a woman with an issue thought to herself that if she could just touch the hem of his garment she would be healed. Yes Jesus turned to her and said " Take heart,your faith has made you well." Upon arriving at the rulers house he told the unbelievers to leave and took the girl by the hand and she arose. Now stop and consider this;Jesus has given us access to his power and authority. Now will you take hold of this by faith and believe that you too can do this in His name? Do we have the faith and ability to step out and see these come to pass. All this was given to us FREELY no payment required or requested : [ Matt10:7-8...heal the sick,cleanse the lepers,raise the dead and cast out devils].( Today that is cancer and all forms of disease ) devils are the ones who bring evil into many lives, but freely we have received and freely give,the answers are His word. Because we can do this by faith, belief, trust and obeying. Following the word we will see people set free and the word will speak out about the God of love and devotion. his purpose is to bring all men of free will,to open their hearts to His word and love. So next time you think that God is punishing you think again, who is it ! God is a lover, He is trying to protect us from being separated from Him. Satan is the liar and will deceive all whom he can (1Pet.5:8 ) " prowls like a lion,seeking all whom he can devour." Satan is the cause of all sickness and disease but we are the over comers in Christ Jesus. We are the heirs to salvation so don,t hesitate to speak forth the word of God that will stop Satan dead in his tracks, to believers and non-believers alike. So now let us take back what Satan has stolen, Satan get thee behind me! I am free in Christ Jesus....Amen
in His love,tom
JESUS was sent to show us that he is the healer,the father sent His son not to condemn the world but to bring redemption. The lie that has been perpetrated is that God punishes us by bring disaster into our lives,sickness and disease to make us suffer! NOT TRUE, Jesus came to heal not punish and the father has given us His word ( JESUS ) to show us how to walk in His love. Love is forgiving,caring,mercy,grace and some much more. Understanding that this is all a part of Gods love (AGAPE ). In Matt.9:18-24, Jesus shows us these actions in His healing compassion. When asked by a ruler and father to come to his home and deliver his daughter from death. Jesus went and followed him home and on the way a woman with an issue thought to herself that if she could just touch the hem of his garment she would be healed. Yes Jesus turned to her and said " Take heart,your faith has made you well." Upon arriving at the rulers house he told the unbelievers to leave and took the girl by the hand and she arose. Now stop and consider this;Jesus has given us access to his power and authority. Now will you take hold of this by faith and believe that you too can do this in His name? Do we have the faith and ability to step out and see these come to pass. All this was given to us FREELY no payment required or requested : [ Matt10:7-8...heal the sick,cleanse the lepers,raise the dead and cast out devils].( Today that is cancer and all forms of disease ) devils are the ones who bring evil into many lives, but freely we have received and freely give,the answers are His word. Because we can do this by faith, belief, trust and obeying. Following the word we will see people set free and the word will speak out about the God of love and devotion. his purpose is to bring all men of free will,to open their hearts to His word and love. So next time you think that God is punishing you think again, who is it ! God is a lover, He is trying to protect us from being separated from Him. Satan is the liar and will deceive all whom he can (1Pet.5:8 ) " prowls like a lion,seeking all whom he can devour." Satan is the cause of all sickness and disease but we are the over comers in Christ Jesus. We are the heirs to salvation so don,t hesitate to speak forth the word of God that will stop Satan dead in his tracks, to believers and non-believers alike. So now let us take back what Satan has stolen, Satan get thee behind me! I am free in Christ Jesus....Amen
in His love,tom
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hi Family of GOD, I pray that what I'm about to reveal will encourage you to stand against the evil one and his hordes.
Hi Family of GOD, I pray that what I'm about to reveal will encourage you to stand against the evil one and his hordes.
Even though Satan has lost all his authority on this earth he still operates as as an outlaw killing,stealing and destroy all who let him But the best news is he won't be able to much longer! 2000 years ago Jesus arose from the dead and the Lords work was completed.( Acts 2:34-35 ) the Lord our God said " Sit thou on my right hand,until I make your enemies your footstool." What I realize is that we are the feet of Jesus and the power and authority we have in Him is to trample upon the evil ones head. V.35 says,until Jesus makes His enemies His footstool,we are the ones who will make it happen ( Mark 16:15-18 says go ye into all the world.....and these signs will follow those who believe and those who do not believe will be condemned....they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. [ PRAISE GOD<AMEN} We need to start obeying Him and not let Satan steal our faith in Gods word away.We are the reason it is not happening now, It's taking so long because He is waiting on us, that's you and me to step out in His power and authority. So quit being worried and be anxious for nothing .( Matt.6:31 ) " therefore be not anxious for nothing. Jesus preached against it and so did Paul, Peter says in (1Pet.5:7 ) " casting all your anxieties on Him,because he care for you.God says we should give them to Him,not some but ALL of them. A simple example is this, I gave my money to my wife and my friend asks me for some,I simply say " can't help you I gave all my money to Her;Get it you gave it all to Him. Once you learn to listen to Gods word, changes will start to take place in your life,so talk to God He is listening.Remember God will not take those cares away you must give them to Him.....Commit to it and you will stop worrying and see His word in action in your life. Cast your burdens on Jesus read Psalms 55, Then continue in your trust by read Psalm 56. Yes we walk in His light and His ways, they lead to life!
in His love,tom

Monday, January 7, 2013
How marvelous,How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous,How wonderful! Is my saviors love for me! Reflect upon your blessings of which every [PERSON] has many-not on our past misfortunes of which all [people] have some, quote from Charles Dickens...
Though at times it is difficult to see the marvelous things He has done for us, especially these days with the reelection of the president who is very transparent in his designs to rewrite our constitution rather than to follow it. Yet as I reflect on Gods word this president is only a tool that is being used to bring about Gods plan of salvation for a deceived people. Yes, How marvelous,How wonderful! Is His Love for us! The Lords Death and Resurrection is truly the miracle at work in a disobedient people. He will do all through those who will believe and give their life to him.For He has overcome the world, yes we have tribulation,but I take heart,He has overcome the world.Even Nebuchadnezzar praised God saying how great are His signs, How mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,and His dominion endures from generation to generation.(Dan.4:3-18,19-33) his 2nd dream is interpreted and as I read this it became a vision to me, America's fall! as we have departed from the word of God. We have secularized the vision of this at one time God fearing and believing nation into a polarized God neglecting country. The hand writing is on the wall, what shall we as Christians be praying for,Gods will be done!
he who can hear,give thought and pray......tom
How marvelous,How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous,How wonderful! Is my saviors love for me! Reflect upon your blessings of which every [PERSON] has many-not on our past misfortunes of which all [people] have some, quote from Charles Dickens...
Though at times it is difficult to see the marvelous things He has done for us, especially these days with the reelection of the president who is very transparent in his designs to rewrite our constitution rather than to follow it. Yet as I reflect on Gods word this president is only a tool that is being used to bring about Gods plan of salvation for a deceived people. Yes, How marvelous,How wonderful! Is His Love for us! The Lords Death and Resurrection is truly the miracle at work in a disobedient people. He will do all through those who will believe and give their life to him.For He has overcome the world, yes we have tribulation,but I take heart,He has overcome the world.Even Nebuchadnezzar praised God saying how great are His signs, How mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,and His dominion endures from generation to generation.(Dan.4:3-18,19-33) his 2nd dream is interpreted and as I read this it became a vision to me, America's fall! as we have departed from the word of God. We have secularized the vision of this at one time God fearing and believing nation into a polarized God neglecting country. The hand writing is on the wall, what shall we as Christians be praying for,Gods will be done!
he who can hear,give thought and pray......tom
Thursday, January 3, 2013
BEING BLESSED ALL YEAR LONG AND REALIZING IT! Wow as I read my devotional this morning it brought me to Ps.35:27,"Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, Great is the lord who delights in the welfare of his servant."
What has traditional religion taught us? Stop and think about this, I found that the Lord wants us to prosper in all parts of our lives, Spirit ,Soul,Body and financially too. No matter where we are or who we are God wants to see us delivered from every adverse situation. So as we go into this new year we can look forward to the blessings of God and know that they are there for us. And Blessed be the Lord,, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation...Now as you are blessed make up your mind to be a blessing to others, don't let others rob you of your blessings by their discouraging words. Take hold of what Gods word has been teaching you and stand firmly,relying on and believing Him (His word). Throughout the Bible God shows us the victory we have in His Word (Jesus) but our weakness is not knowing or speaking that into existence. So make time to study and read the word everyday, and as you build up your faith you will be able to withstand the evil that comes your way, you will be ready to stand against those fiery darts.
some scripture verses to read.....Duet.8:3 "live by His word..."
Ps.103:21 "do His will..."
Ps.119:11 "STORE UP THE WORD...."
Prv.30 :5 "Every word proves true..."
Joel 2:11 "he who executes His word is powerful..."
Mrk.4:14 "sow the word..."
For the joy of the Lord is my strength, His stead fast love endures forever...(Ps.52:1-9)
Now may you go and share His blessings with all He sends your way.
He who can hear............tom
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