STOP SPEAKING OF LACK: when we are having trouble speaking and hearing Gods word it usually is because what we are thinking is blocking Gods word and voice from entering our thoughts and mind.God is talking to us all the time; He is not hiding anything from us (Mk.4:22 " nothing is hidden except to be made manifest." ) and is fulfilling all the words Jesus has spoken to us. Jn.14:26 "....He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that Jesus has said to you. Jn.16:13-15....V.14 He will glorify me,for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. ALL that the Father has is mine; therefore I said he will take what is mine and declare it to you.(HOLY SPIRIT). Jesus says " if any man has ears to hear let him hear" (V.23) So pay attention to what you hear (V.24);(V.25) for the one who has more will be given more....This is spiritual hearing,ears of faith;how much do we really believe and trust His word. A good example of this is found in Luke5:4, saying to Peter "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" And Peters reply was; well we already did that! But he did what Jesus said to do and his reward was because he LISTENED. Now visualize what the word is saying to you; Wisdom and guidance pours forth thru the word,[ Bless the Lord, ALL His works in ALL places of His dominion: Bless the Lord,O my soul.] Yes our Lord hears and we can make that decision too.
In His Love,tom
I agree with everything you have said.