Thursday, February 21, 2013

                                           FROM YESTER-YEAR TO TODAY
We are a chosen people and the Lord is keeping His oath that he swore to our forefathers. Know therefore that the Lord our God is faithful, He who keeps covenant and love to those who love Him and keep His laws and commandments; to a thousand generations! He will not be slack to repay the ones who hate Him .
 ( Job34:11) "For according to the work of a man He will repay him..."and because we keep His commandments He will keep us with His steadfast love and we shall be blessed above all people.And He will take away all our sickness and none of the evil diseases will he inflict on you. 2Pet.3:9,  " the Lord is not slow to fulfill His promises as some count slowness but is patient towards you(us) with His steadfast love, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."AMEN!
Duet.8:3...." That He might make you to know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Fear God and walk in His ways,and bless Him for all the good He has given you. And take care lest we forget the Lord our God by not keeping His commandments. Be careful to not let gold and silver,houses and land, or the things of this world be lifted up in your heart and we soon forget the Lord our God. Be careful not to say that by the power of your hand has brought you all these things, for surely you shall perish for not obeying the voice of the Lord.
I ask myself is this what our government has done? Are we turning blind and deaf to the laws of the land[Constitution] I'm not speaking of religion but the commandments of God included in our constitution.We reap what we sow,and is  our government rebelling against those inalienable rights.We see the the perversion and destruction of our constitution and the government by the people is now people for the government! What next shall we see as the evil world arms itself with nuclear power, possibly one world government to keep the free enslaved to the powers that be? Possibly so and we might see the destruction of the world by fire(nuclear) yes evil might reign for awhile? God only knows but he has shone us away of escape through His mercy and grace; [Rom.12:2] "be not conformed to this world: but by the renewing of your mind."

1 comment:

  1. Amen,
    He is the only safe sanctuary,all enemies will be placed beneath His feet.
