Hi Family of GOD, I pray that what I'm about to reveal will encourage you to stand against the evil one and his hordes.
Even though Satan has lost all his authority on this earth he still operates as as an outlaw killing,stealing and destroy all who let him But the best news is he won't be able to much longer! 2000 years ago Jesus arose from the dead and the Lords work was completed.( Acts 2:34-35 ) the Lord our God said " Sit thou on my right hand,until I make your enemies your footstool." What I realize is that we are the feet of Jesus and the power and authority we have in Him is to trample upon the evil ones head. V.35 says,until Jesus makes His enemies His footstool,we are the ones who will make it happen ( Mark 16:15-18 says go ye into all the world.....and these signs will follow those who believe and those who do not believe will be condemned....they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. [ PRAISE GOD<AMEN} We need to start obeying Him and not let Satan steal our faith in Gods word away.We are the reason it is not happening now, It's taking so long because He is waiting on us, that's you and me to step out in His power and authority. So quit being worried and be anxious for nothing .( Matt.6:31 ) " therefore be not anxious for nothing. Jesus preached against it and so did Paul, Peter says in (1Pet.5:7 ) " casting all your anxieties on Him,because he care for you.God says we should give them to Him,not some but ALL of them. A simple example is this, I gave my money to my wife and my friend asks me for some,I simply say " can't help you I gave all my money to Her;Get it you gave it all to Him. Once you learn to listen to Gods word, changes will start to take place in your life,so talk to God He is listening.Remember God will not take those cares away you must give them to Him.....Commit to it and you will stop worrying and see His word in action in your life. Cast your burdens on Jesus read Psalms 55, Then continue in your trust by read Psalm 56. Yes we walk in His light and His ways, they lead to life!
in His love,tom

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