Friday, February 6, 2015

                                                  "   I AM THE LORD,I CHANGE NOT  "
                                                                        MALACHI 3:6
In this changing world of this I am certain,Gods word never changes. Therefore I can always depend on it to carry me through. But first I must learn His words so that I can apply them in my life. This I determined in my heart and mind not to be swayed by what I see in the world but by the truth of Gods word. So by committing myself to His word I find there is nothing in this world that can steal my security from Him. So today being the first day of the rest of my life; I start anew,making Gods word my final authority in settling the issues of life.I will be confident,not confused,peaceful not anxious,and when under pressure an over-comer while others are over-come. Yes he is Lord and never changes; may you seek Him while He can be found.
 In His Love, tom


  1. Amen. Great Word for today and every day

  2. Amen to what you have said Tom. I have found God's word more real than anything else, and I can truly say. I love You O Lord my strength.
    God bless you as you place your life in the hands of the One who is able to give us a peace that passes all understanding.
