Friday, October 31, 2014

                                  TODAY HE SETS BEFORE YOU A BLESSING OR A CURSE
THIS MAY BE YOUR FIRST CHANCE TO RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE?  To know what it means to be forgiven. To acknowledge sin, and to look at your life and its effects on others. Your choice of life or death. You question who is this who says this to you? A voice crying in the wilderness.
      See He has set before you today life and good,death and evil. If you decide to obey the commandments of the Lord our God by Loving Him and walking in His statutes,and rules than you shall live and the Lord thy God will bless you;but if your heart turns away,you will not hear. You will be drawn away to worship the god of this world and to serve those desires. I declare to you today you shall perish and not enter the promised land(HEAVEN). For God has set before you life and death, blessings and curses, therefore choose wisely so that you and your offspring may live loving the Lord your God,obeying His voice and holding fast to Him. For He is life and length of days and so that you may dwell in the land he promised to our fore fathers, Abraham,Issac and Jacob. NOW IS THE TIME OF YOUR CHOICE; WHAT WILL IT BE?
READ  Duet.11:1-7, 30:11-20

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