Well it has been awhile since I have blogged, so here goes.
Today I'm walking in the word Prov.1:2-7 and as I start These words must be shared " I am blessed,wise and in good health!
The beginning of knowledge is to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive in wise dealing, in righteousness,justice,and equity......let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance....
The understanding of the words to fear the Lord are to bring us to the knowledge of His word.By this we begin to realize that our lives are direct reflection of His word in us.We can choose life or death by the words we speak, Prov.18:21,all contained in the power of the tongue.So put the word of God in your mouth which comes through the constant renewing of your mind with the word(read your BIBLE) IT DOES YOU KNOW GOOD SITTING ON A TABLE OR BURIED ON A SHELF. The fool despises wisdom and instruction! So don't allow the devil to keep you from the word,these words are life to those who find them....
In His Love, tom
I totally agree with you Tom. The original sin of mankind was caused by the serpant getting his response to his question 'Has God said?'. Whatever God says to us through our daily bread, His word spoken to us personally, should not be questioned. That word has the power to bring into existance that which does not exist and I have been able to prove it true when I have held fast to it no matter what my carnal mind may try to tell me. Satan was a lier from the begining, but God's word is truth and He has provided us with many blessings if we can act on His instruction and believe.