As I start the new year,my heart speaks to me saying; Thanksgiving and praise are what the Lord desires from His children. ( Ps.113:3 )," From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lords name is to be praised."
Praise Him in the morning.Praise Him at noon.Praise Him at night.Praise Him for Calvary, for healing and freedom. In all things great or small give praise to the Lord for them. Each time we praise the lord we are causing the devil great pain, he can't stand to hear those praises and yet he can only try to stop them. So don't be defeated by his craftiness by trying to make you feel inadequate in your praises. Our God inhabits the praises of His people. As I learn to praise Him for all that comes my way I see His hand showing me the walk that I should follow.This is that which leads me to victory in Jesus! AMEN
, Worship can be defined as the act of honoring and loving, I want to let God know how much I love Him and I seek to walk in the uprightness of His word (Jesus). How many times during the day do I take time to stop and listen to hear His voice? You see I get so involved in the things of the world that time passes by before I realize that I missed the opportunity to allow the Lord to show me His way. I ask myself what is that which over cometh the world and all it's problems? Yes I know it is the word of God that directs and if left to control my tongue ,His Spirit will guide me to truth, in all situations. It is Gods ability to control all that is happening and when I turn to Him He will not fail to show me that which I ask of Him. My worship is honoring Him in all that I do,making time to ask,listen and then act upon His revelations, Yes Lord this is my way to worship you and this is what has led me to victory. So today when you hear His voice do not harden your heart,but praise Him and tell Him of your love for Him.
" He who has an ear let him hear".......I.H.L,tom
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Alive in Christ; "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,so walk in him. Rooted and built up in Him,and established in the faith, just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving."( Col.2:6-7 ). As Paul (Col.2:1-15) spoke to the church wanting them to know how great a struggle he had for them and those he had not seen face to face.Wanting there hearts to be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE. So as not to be deluded with plausible arguments, though being absent in body,but with us in spirit,rejoicing to see our good order and firmness of our faith in Christ. Paul speaks to us in word,but it is Christ revealing His wisdom to us today.He sees that we are capable of being deceived by philosophy and human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
We have been filled by Him who is the head of all rule and authority.Buried with Him, raised with Him through FAITH in the powerful working of God,He made us alive together with Him. He disarmed the rulers authorities and put them to open shame,by triumphing over them in HIM. We too are qualified, therefore awaken yourself to the living word with in you and discard the flesh and walk in the spirit,put on the new self and seek the things that are above,where Christ is seated at the right hand of the father. Set your mind on the things above,not on things on the earth...And know when Christ appears,who is your life,you also will appear with Him in Glory................amen
Alive in Christ; "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,so walk in him. Rooted and built up in Him,and established in the faith, just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving."( Col.2:6-7 ). As Paul (Col.2:1-15) spoke to the church wanting them to know how great a struggle he had for them and those he had not seen face to face.Wanting there hearts to be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE. So as not to be deluded with plausible arguments, though being absent in body,but with us in spirit,rejoicing to see our good order and firmness of our faith in Christ. Paul speaks to us in word,but it is Christ revealing His wisdom to us today.He sees that we are capable of being deceived by philosophy and human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
We have been filled by Him who is the head of all rule and authority.Buried with Him, raised with Him through FAITH in the powerful working of God,He made us alive together with Him. He disarmed the rulers authorities and put them to open shame,by triumphing over them in HIM. We too are qualified, therefore awaken yourself to the living word with in you and discard the flesh and walk in the spirit,put on the new self and seek the things that are above,where Christ is seated at the right hand of the father. Set your mind on the things above,not on things on the earth...And know when Christ appears,who is your life,you also will appear with Him in Glory................amen
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Question: "Why do so many people struggle with a lack of faith?"
Answer: The Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we see here is a contrast between truth and perception—what we know and believe to be true and what we perceive to be true. This is where the Christian struggle with a lack of faith finds its basis. The main reason why so many Christians struggle with a lack of faith is because we follow our perceptions of what is true rather than what we know to be true by faith.
Perhaps before going any further it may be helpful to come up with a working definition of faith. Faith, contrary to popular opinion, is not “belief without proof.” This is the definition that many skeptics give for faith. This definition reduces faith to mere fideism – i.e., “I believe despite what the evidence tells me.” Skeptics are right to reject this concept of faith, and Christians should reject it too. Faith is not belief without proof, or belief despite the evidence, rather faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. That trust or confidence we have in someone is built up over time as they prove themselves faithful time and time again.
Christianity is a faith-based religion. It is based on faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. God has provided us with His Word, the Holy Bible, as a testimony of His faithfulness to His people all throughout history. In its bare essentials, Christianity is faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ claimed to be the promised Messiah and the Son of God. His life was one of perfect righteousness according to the revealed law of God and His death was an atoning sacrifice for the sins of His people. By placing our faith and trust in Christ alone for our salvation, God takes our sin and places it on the cross of Christ and awards us, by grace, with the perfect righteousness of Christ. That, in a nutshell, is the Christian message. As Christians, we are called to believe this message and live in light of it.
Despite this, Christians still struggle with believing the biblical account because it doesn’t match up with our perception of reality. We may believe that Jesus was a real person, we may believe that He died by crucifixion at the hand of the Romans, we may even believe that He led a perfect life according to God’s law, but we don’t “see” how faith in Christ makes us righteous before God. We can’t “see” Jesus atoning for our sins. We can’t “see” or “perceive” any of the great truths of Christianity, and therefore, we struggle with lack of faith. As a result of this lack of perception, our lives often do not reflect the fact that we really believe what we claim to believe.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon among Christians. The main reason we struggle with faith is that we don’t truly know the God in whom we profess to have faith. In our daily lives, we don’t trust complete strangers. The more intimately we know someone and the more time we have had to see them “in action,” the more likely we are to believe what they say. But if God is essentially a stranger to us, we are less likely to believe what He has said in His Word. The only cure for this is to spend more time in God’s Word getting to know Him.
The world, the flesh, and the devil often distract us. By “the world” is meant the accepted “wisdom” of the unbelieving world and the culture in which we find ourselves. For those of us living in Europe and North America, that dominant worldview is naturalism, materialism, skepticism, and atheism. “The flesh,” refers to our sinful nature that still clings to Christians and with which we struggle on a daily basis. “The devil” refers to Satan and his horde of evil spirits who excite and entice us through the world and our senses. These things all afflict us and cause us to struggle with faith.
That is why Christians need to be constantly reminded of what Christ has done for us and what our response should be. The Apostle Paul says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Our faith is built up as we have the gospel continually preached to us. Our churches need to be built on the solid preaching of the historic Christian faith and the regular observance of the sacraments. These are the means of grace that Christ has ordained to feed us spiritually and help us grow in our faith. Instead, too many churches spend their time, energy, and resources on the creation of “programs” that neither feed the sheep nor draw a clear distinction between godliness and ungodliness.
Consider the example of the Israelites in the Old Testament. God had performed great miracles in rescuing His chosen people from slavery in Egypt—the Ten Plagues, the pillar of smoke and fire, and the crossing of the Red Sea. God brings His people to the foot of Mount Sinai, gives them the law and makes a covenant with them. No sooner does He do this than the people begin to grumble and lose faith. With Moses gone up on the mountain, the people convince Aaron, Moses’ brother, to construct an idol (against God’s clear prohibition) for them to worship (Exodus 32:1-6). They were no longer walking by faith, but by sight. Despite all the clear miracles God did in their redemption, they lost faith and began to go on their perception.
That is why God instructed the new generation of Israelites before going into the Promised Land to continually remind themselves of what God has done for them: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). God knows that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Mark 14:38), and so He commands His people to be in constant remembrance of these things.
In conclusion, we need to heed the example of the disciple Thomas. When Thomas heard the stories of the resurrection, he wouldn’t believe them until he saw Jesus with his own two eyes. Jesus accommodated Thomas’ lack of faith by making an appearance to him and allowing him to see and touch Him. Thomas responds in worship, and Jesus says to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Many skeptics today echo Thomas’ sentiment: “Unless I see Jesus face to face, I will not believe!” We must not behave as the unbelievers do. We need to continually keep in mind Paul’s exhortation to walk by faith rather than sight. We learn in the book of Hebrews that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) because faith is believing the word of God and acting upon it, not responding to our perceptions.
Answer: The Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we see here is a contrast between truth and perception—what we know and believe to be true and what we perceive to be true. This is where the Christian struggle with a lack of faith finds its basis. The main reason why so many Christians struggle with a lack of faith is because we follow our perceptions of what is true rather than what we know to be true by faith.
Perhaps before going any further it may be helpful to come up with a working definition of faith. Faith, contrary to popular opinion, is not “belief without proof.” This is the definition that many skeptics give for faith. This definition reduces faith to mere fideism – i.e., “I believe despite what the evidence tells me.” Skeptics are right to reject this concept of faith, and Christians should reject it too. Faith is not belief without proof, or belief despite the evidence, rather faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. That trust or confidence we have in someone is built up over time as they prove themselves faithful time and time again.
Christianity is a faith-based religion. It is based on faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. God has provided us with His Word, the Holy Bible, as a testimony of His faithfulness to His people all throughout history. In its bare essentials, Christianity is faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ claimed to be the promised Messiah and the Son of God. His life was one of perfect righteousness according to the revealed law of God and His death was an atoning sacrifice for the sins of His people. By placing our faith and trust in Christ alone for our salvation, God takes our sin and places it on the cross of Christ and awards us, by grace, with the perfect righteousness of Christ. That, in a nutshell, is the Christian message. As Christians, we are called to believe this message and live in light of it.
Despite this, Christians still struggle with believing the biblical account because it doesn’t match up with our perception of reality. We may believe that Jesus was a real person, we may believe that He died by crucifixion at the hand of the Romans, we may even believe that He led a perfect life according to God’s law, but we don’t “see” how faith in Christ makes us righteous before God. We can’t “see” Jesus atoning for our sins. We can’t “see” or “perceive” any of the great truths of Christianity, and therefore, we struggle with lack of faith. As a result of this lack of perception, our lives often do not reflect the fact that we really believe what we claim to believe.
There are many reasons for this phenomenon among Christians. The main reason we struggle with faith is that we don’t truly know the God in whom we profess to have faith. In our daily lives, we don’t trust complete strangers. The more intimately we know someone and the more time we have had to see them “in action,” the more likely we are to believe what they say. But if God is essentially a stranger to us, we are less likely to believe what He has said in His Word. The only cure for this is to spend more time in God’s Word getting to know Him.
The world, the flesh, and the devil often distract us. By “the world” is meant the accepted “wisdom” of the unbelieving world and the culture in which we find ourselves. For those of us living in Europe and North America, that dominant worldview is naturalism, materialism, skepticism, and atheism. “The flesh,” refers to our sinful nature that still clings to Christians and with which we struggle on a daily basis. “The devil” refers to Satan and his horde of evil spirits who excite and entice us through the world and our senses. These things all afflict us and cause us to struggle with faith.
That is why Christians need to be constantly reminded of what Christ has done for us and what our response should be. The Apostle Paul says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Our faith is built up as we have the gospel continually preached to us. Our churches need to be built on the solid preaching of the historic Christian faith and the regular observance of the sacraments. These are the means of grace that Christ has ordained to feed us spiritually and help us grow in our faith. Instead, too many churches spend their time, energy, and resources on the creation of “programs” that neither feed the sheep nor draw a clear distinction between godliness and ungodliness.
Consider the example of the Israelites in the Old Testament. God had performed great miracles in rescuing His chosen people from slavery in Egypt—the Ten Plagues, the pillar of smoke and fire, and the crossing of the Red Sea. God brings His people to the foot of Mount Sinai, gives them the law and makes a covenant with them. No sooner does He do this than the people begin to grumble and lose faith. With Moses gone up on the mountain, the people convince Aaron, Moses’ brother, to construct an idol (against God’s clear prohibition) for them to worship (Exodus 32:1-6). They were no longer walking by faith, but by sight. Despite all the clear miracles God did in their redemption, they lost faith and began to go on their perception.
That is why God instructed the new generation of Israelites before going into the Promised Land to continually remind themselves of what God has done for them: “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). God knows that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Mark 14:38), and so He commands His people to be in constant remembrance of these things.
In conclusion, we need to heed the example of the disciple Thomas. When Thomas heard the stories of the resurrection, he wouldn’t believe them until he saw Jesus with his own two eyes. Jesus accommodated Thomas’ lack of faith by making an appearance to him and allowing him to see and touch Him. Thomas responds in worship, and Jesus says to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Many skeptics today echo Thomas’ sentiment: “Unless I see Jesus face to face, I will not believe!” We must not behave as the unbelievers do. We need to continually keep in mind Paul’s exhortation to walk by faith rather than sight. We learn in the book of Hebrews that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) because faith is believing the word of God and acting upon it, not responding to our perceptions.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
"A share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent and intense exertion." (amplified bible) Matt.11:12, what I am finding is that we must get so committed to the word (Jesus) that we will withstand any attempt to take (Him) them from us. To many Christians are much like the Jews who wondered in the wilderness. Moses told them to follow Gods orders and to enter in and take the land (Deut.31:1-46),but we find excuses not to listen. When we as individuals make the decision to hold fast to the word and not allow anything to interfere with the word, that as we develop a boldness and overcome our fears,we will be more than conquerors. Remember when God sent the Israelite's into Canaan He said "send the armed men to go before you." We have the armor of God (Eph.10:20) and we are the armor bearers (the word) and take the sword to the fight.Yes this is what God intends for us to do,not to refrain from anything that would stand against the word. We are the chosen, so learn to fight with the power and authority of Gods word,Stand firm in Him and know that the out come is to the the strong in the Lord. Come out from the wilderness and stop sitting in doubt and unbelief.We have Gods permission to take back what rightfully belongs to us ,that is all the promises of God through Christ Jesus.....Amen
He who can hear......tom
"A share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent and intense exertion." (amplified bible) Matt.11:12, what I am finding is that we must get so committed to the word (Jesus) that we will withstand any attempt to take (Him) them from us. To many Christians are much like the Jews who wondered in the wilderness. Moses told them to follow Gods orders and to enter in and take the land (Deut.31:1-46),but we find excuses not to listen. When we as individuals make the decision to hold fast to the word and not allow anything to interfere with the word, that as we develop a boldness and overcome our fears,we will be more than conquerors. Remember when God sent the Israelite's into Canaan He said "send the armed men to go before you." We have the armor of God (Eph.10:20) and we are the armor bearers (the word) and take the sword to the fight.Yes this is what God intends for us to do,not to refrain from anything that would stand against the word. We are the chosen, so learn to fight with the power and authority of Gods word,Stand firm in Him and know that the out come is to the the strong in the Lord. Come out from the wilderness and stop sitting in doubt and unbelief.We have Gods permission to take back what rightfully belongs to us ,that is all the promises of God through Christ Jesus.....Amen
He who can hear......tom
Friday, October 26, 2012
"But God,who is rich in mercy,for his great love wherewith he loved us,Even when we were dead in sins,hath quickened us together with Christ....And has raised us up together,and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."(Eph.2:4-6)
Stop and think about what this says,God has raised us up to sit together with Christ Jesus.....
Now what does this mean to you, To me it means that I have been brought along side of Jesus so that we could be made what Jesus already is.Jesus didn't need exalting, He already was exalted and one with the father.He put on a physical body to come to earth so that He could show us how to take authority over sin,sickness ,disease,demons,poverty and all the other curses that came when the law of death came into the earth at the fall of Adam and Eve.He did it,He mastered everything in the intellectual world and the physical world. You and I are the reason Jesus came into the world,He didn't do this for himself but for you and me.He did this so we could wear His name and have that same authority and power and wield it in the earth.When we were born again we were made the righteousness of God in Christ! So now as a born again believer,dare to receive this message,meditate on it,and act on it---I DARE YOU TO TAKE YOUR PLACE......AMEN
your brother in Christ,tom
"But God,who is rich in mercy,for his great love wherewith he loved us,Even when we were dead in sins,hath quickened us together with Christ....And has raised us up together,and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."(Eph.2:4-6)
Stop and think about what this says,God has raised us up to sit together with Christ Jesus.....
Now what does this mean to you, To me it means that I have been brought along side of Jesus so that we could be made what Jesus already is.Jesus didn't need exalting, He already was exalted and one with the father.He put on a physical body to come to earth so that He could show us how to take authority over sin,sickness ,disease,demons,poverty and all the other curses that came when the law of death came into the earth at the fall of Adam and Eve.He did it,He mastered everything in the intellectual world and the physical world. You and I are the reason Jesus came into the world,He didn't do this for himself but for you and me.He did this so we could wear His name and have that same authority and power and wield it in the earth.When we were born again we were made the righteousness of God in Christ! So now as a born again believer,dare to receive this message,meditate on it,and act on it---I DARE YOU TO TAKE YOUR PLACE......AMEN
your brother in Christ,tom
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Jn14:13> " What ever you ask in my Name,I will do it,that the father may be Glorified in the son. And if you ask anything in my name I will do it."
All that we ask in the name Jesus is not just an add on at the end of prayer, all that God is and does is represented in the name of Jesus.All that we ask is granted,not because we are worthy but because Jesus is! And whats more is His name carries authority over all other names. ( Phil.2:9 ) Paul says " God has exalted His name above every other name,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth."
Despite the power in His name and what the word of God says,most believers don't put much stock in it.We'll turn right around and say or think "I sure hope He will answer that prayer. Have you heard the phrase ( for Christ sake) you know that Jesus didn't say to ask for His sake but to ask in His name. We must dig into the word to find the power and authority it really carries. So stop Hoping God will answer and start expecting Every circumstance in your life to bow it's knee in honer of His Glorious name....Read Jn.16:13-24....HE WHO CAN HEAR....in His Love,tom
Jn14:13> " What ever you ask in my Name,I will do it,that the father may be Glorified in the son. And if you ask anything in my name I will do it."
All that we ask in the name Jesus is not just an add on at the end of prayer, all that God is and does is represented in the name of Jesus.All that we ask is granted,not because we are worthy but because Jesus is! And whats more is His name carries authority over all other names. ( Phil.2:9 ) Paul says " God has exalted His name above every other name,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth."
Despite the power in His name and what the word of God says,most believers don't put much stock in it.We'll turn right around and say or think "I sure hope He will answer that prayer. Have you heard the phrase ( for Christ sake) you know that Jesus didn't say to ask for His sake but to ask in His name. We must dig into the word to find the power and authority it really carries. So stop Hoping God will answer and start expecting Every circumstance in your life to bow it's knee in honer of His Glorious name....Read Jn.16:13-24....HE WHO CAN HEAR....in His Love,tom
Friday, October 12, 2012
Titus 2:11>If you desire to know God invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, It is He the Holy Spirit that will council your heart. If we live in the world than we will only listen to the voice of the world,which is cursing and brings forth death eternally. The word of God when established in our thoughts and heart brings forth life eternal,of course that means reading and studying the word. But in doing so you will start to hear the voice of God leading you in truth and guiding you into His thoughts,His will for you, and the desire to grow each day closer to Him. Many times I have thought He is trying to show me to eliminate some activities that are not uplifting to Him and do not glorify His presence. He many times prompts me to spend more time with Him in His word,( but you know I just need to do something else and then I'll get into the word.) But the world will call to you so that you don't find your self seeking the way you should. Fellowship is a two way street and when those trials come and they will come, being prepared to handle them in a godly way is directly proportional to the time spent in Gods word.The word built up in you is the strength you have to fight back Satan's attacks. Many people have asked God into their lives but say they never felt His presence so they gave up on Him. Their mistake is not because their desire wasn't there,but because they did not pursue after God to truly find Him. Don't hesitate to chase after God ,He is easily caught,pick up the Bible and find how His word will open to you as you seek Him with a purpose in your thoughts and heart to know His truth......
"He Who Can Hear," tom
Titus 2:11>If you desire to know God invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, It is He the Holy Spirit that will council your heart. If we live in the world than we will only listen to the voice of the world,which is cursing and brings forth death eternally. The word of God when established in our thoughts and heart brings forth life eternal,of course that means reading and studying the word. But in doing so you will start to hear the voice of God leading you in truth and guiding you into His thoughts,His will for you, and the desire to grow each day closer to Him. Many times I have thought He is trying to show me to eliminate some activities that are not uplifting to Him and do not glorify His presence. He many times prompts me to spend more time with Him in His word,( but you know I just need to do something else and then I'll get into the word.) But the world will call to you so that you don't find your self seeking the way you should. Fellowship is a two way street and when those trials come and they will come, being prepared to handle them in a godly way is directly proportional to the time spent in Gods word.The word built up in you is the strength you have to fight back Satan's attacks. Many people have asked God into their lives but say they never felt His presence so they gave up on Him. Their mistake is not because their desire wasn't there,but because they did not pursue after God to truly find Him. Don't hesitate to chase after God ,He is easily caught,pick up the Bible and find how His word will open to you as you seek Him with a purpose in your thoughts and heart to know His truth......
"He Who Can Hear," tom
Monday, October 8, 2012
READING: MATT.17:20, " If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain (that is anything opposed to the will of God), move and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."
Plant your faith and water it with the word(Rom.10:17) and expect it to grow. The word will perform what it is intended to do,and it will work in the lives of those in whom you have interceded for. [Isa.55:11], " So shall my my word be as it goes out from my mouth; it shall not return unto me empty....it shall accomplish it's purpose.....As we grow in faith by learning the word and putting it in to action by speaking it, don't let Satan uproot the word by you taking thought that what you have spoken will not take effect.Your hope is that not only will it be done you will see it come to pass.For faith is not seen but is called into life by the words that we speak( Heb.11:1).For people who speak the word make it clear as to what will come to pass.And His righteous live by faith and if we shrink back He has no pleasure in us(Heb.10:38), SO MY FRIENDS WALK UPRIGHTLY IN THE CONFIDENCE OF GOD'S WORD, FOR HE IS ABLE!
to he who can hear.......tom
READING: MATT.17:20, " If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain (that is anything opposed to the will of God), move and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."
Plant your faith and water it with the word(Rom.10:17) and expect it to grow. The word will perform what it is intended to do,and it will work in the lives of those in whom you have interceded for. [Isa.55:11], " So shall my my word be as it goes out from my mouth; it shall not return unto me empty....it shall accomplish it's purpose.....As we grow in faith by learning the word and putting it in to action by speaking it, don't let Satan uproot the word by you taking thought that what you have spoken will not take effect.Your hope is that not only will it be done you will see it come to pass.For faith is not seen but is called into life by the words that we speak( Heb.11:1).For people who speak the word make it clear as to what will come to pass.And His righteous live by faith and if we shrink back He has no pleasure in us(Heb.10:38), SO MY FRIENDS WALK UPRIGHTLY IN THE CONFIDENCE OF GOD'S WORD, FOR HE IS ABLE!
to he who can hear.......tom
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Jesus tells us that His words are life when spoken they are a double edge sword piercing to the marrow of the bone. In faith the things of this world must yield to His words!
So I speak!
I am free to hear!
I have ears to hear His words and eyes to read and see them.
The words of grace abound in me! I have what the WORD of life says I have!
The faith Jesus used to speak to every circumstance is my faith.I use my faith today and every day in my life....
Mountains of obstruction, be removed, wind and waves of life, be still. Debt ,be removed.
Sickness and disease,be gone.Doubt and fear,yield to FAITH!
He who can hear......in His Love,tom
Jesus tells us that His words are life when spoken they are a double edge sword piercing to the marrow of the bone. In faith the things of this world must yield to His words!
So I speak!
I am free to hear!
I have ears to hear His words and eyes to read and see them.
The words of grace abound in me! I have what the WORD of life says I have!
The faith Jesus used to speak to every circumstance is my faith.I use my faith today and every day in my life....
Mountains of obstruction, be removed, wind and waves of life, be still. Debt ,be removed.
Sickness and disease,be gone.Doubt and fear,yield to FAITH!
He who can hear......in His Love,tom
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Can we trust God? Can we rely on God? Does your faith and belief go that far? What if it doesn't,
will that make Gods word of no effect? Are believers the only way Gods word is carried out in the world today?
First off what is the definition of Trust:- "Assured reliance on the character,ability,strength,or truth of someone or something. I believe that Gods words meets this criteria, it is His character and ability and strength to fulfill His word. ( I have received His healing in my body by His word.) I speak through experience and have been enabled to walk freely in His word. Learning to rely on His word, that is to have confidence in His word,trust and to be dependent on Him is the beginning of faith and belief of action in my life. Today as I write these words the presence of the Holy Spirit arises in me to call to attention each and every believer. The body is coming together and our cry is heard of the Lord to trust in Him as never before, the time of our learning is now a time of discerning His Spirit within us.Speak out and proclaim this is the hour of salvation and not tomorrow,TODAY,NOW,HE IS ALIVE......So lift up your voice;do not hold back; lift up your voice as a trumpet; declare to my people their transgressions and sins, and seek Him daily and delight to know His ways,as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the judgement of their God....Delight to draw near to God (Isa.58:1-2).
Gods word will be done on earth as it is in heaven,no man or devil can keep it from happening.We are just an instrument in helping to bring it about.(2Sam23:2-5) "The God of Israel has spoken; the Rock of Israel has said to me;When one rules justly over men,ruling in the fear of God, He dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning; like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth. For does not my house stand so with God? For He has made me with an everlasting covenant,ordered in all things and secure.For will He not cause to prosper all my help and my desire? ( to walk uprightly before Him).
The beginning of today is the first day of the rest of my life,in Christ Jesus...AMEN.....tom
Can we trust God? Can we rely on God? Does your faith and belief go that far? What if it doesn't,
will that make Gods word of no effect? Are believers the only way Gods word is carried out in the world today?
First off what is the definition of Trust:- "Assured reliance on the character,ability,strength,or truth of someone or something. I believe that Gods words meets this criteria, it is His character and ability and strength to fulfill His word. ( I have received His healing in my body by His word.) I speak through experience and have been enabled to walk freely in His word. Learning to rely on His word, that is to have confidence in His word,trust and to be dependent on Him is the beginning of faith and belief of action in my life. Today as I write these words the presence of the Holy Spirit arises in me to call to attention each and every believer. The body is coming together and our cry is heard of the Lord to trust in Him as never before, the time of our learning is now a time of discerning His Spirit within us.Speak out and proclaim this is the hour of salvation and not tomorrow,TODAY,NOW,HE IS ALIVE......So lift up your voice;do not hold back; lift up your voice as a trumpet; declare to my people their transgressions and sins, and seek Him daily and delight to know His ways,as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the judgement of their God....Delight to draw near to God (Isa.58:1-2).
Gods word will be done on earth as it is in heaven,no man or devil can keep it from happening.We are just an instrument in helping to bring it about.(2Sam23:2-5) "The God of Israel has spoken; the Rock of Israel has said to me;When one rules justly over men,ruling in the fear of God, He dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning; like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth. For does not my house stand so with God? For He has made me with an everlasting covenant,ordered in all things and secure.For will He not cause to prosper all my help and my desire? ( to walk uprightly before Him).
The beginning of today is the first day of the rest of my life,in Christ Jesus...AMEN.....tom
Monday, September 10, 2012
God is speaking to you and me,do you want to hear?
His still small voice makes us aware of certain things even before we know what the word says about them.This is because the Holy Spirit which is in us speaks to our spirit teaching us truth. Then our spirit relays His promptings to our minds and suddenly we have a new thought. " I need to forgive" or " need to help financially," These are a few things that come to mind, but as we become aware of His Spirit in our everyday affairs we will begin to respond. We will develop a habit of allowing the Spirit of Truth to reveal Gods will to us.The word is what we rely on,and this is built up in us by the time we spend in reading ,studying and praying.Praying becomes the point of time we spend with Him, in Matt.26:40 ( He asks us for just 1 hour ). How much time we devote to prayer is the time we receive in hearing His voice. The Spirit is directing us to spend more time in prayer for we are not special people and we must spend time in prayer to learn to listen to His voice. Think how much more our lives would gain if we could know in every situation the voice of God telling and directing us what to do! Doesn't this excite you to know that this is possible in your daily walk with Him, the words of the song "He walks with me,and He talks with me,and tells me along the way we go." Yes this is a new beginning so pray with out ceasing,ask and it will be given you,seek and you will find,all words of truth for us,so start tuning your ear to His voice.And from this day forward seek to hear His voice.......in his love, tom
His still small voice makes us aware of certain things even before we know what the word says about them.This is because the Holy Spirit which is in us speaks to our spirit teaching us truth. Then our spirit relays His promptings to our minds and suddenly we have a new thought. " I need to forgive" or " need to help financially," These are a few things that come to mind, but as we become aware of His Spirit in our everyday affairs we will begin to respond. We will develop a habit of allowing the Spirit of Truth to reveal Gods will to us.The word is what we rely on,and this is built up in us by the time we spend in reading ,studying and praying.Praying becomes the point of time we spend with Him, in Matt.26:40 ( He asks us for just 1 hour ). How much time we devote to prayer is the time we receive in hearing His voice. The Spirit is directing us to spend more time in prayer for we are not special people and we must spend time in prayer to learn to listen to His voice. Think how much more our lives would gain if we could know in every situation the voice of God telling and directing us what to do! Doesn't this excite you to know that this is possible in your daily walk with Him, the words of the song "He walks with me,and He talks with me,and tells me along the way we go." Yes this is a new beginning so pray with out ceasing,ask and it will be given you,seek and you will find,all words of truth for us,so start tuning your ear to His voice.And from this day forward seek to hear His voice.......in his love, tom
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Tired of playing games with the lord, it's time to get serious!
As I read Matt.8:1-31,I see healing and hear Jesus calling us to do the same and greater. Yet we fail because we ask amiss. There is sickness, disease and marriages falling apart,all because we fail to take authority over these situations. We allow curses rather than blessings to flow from our mouths. As we begin each day with prayers, what are we seeking in those prayers? Who do we want to be in control of our lives,self or God's Holy Spirit, self is a mighty weapon and if given over to the Holy Spirit it will accomplish Gods will and not our own.
Salvation is of the Lord,but now we must act upon this by studying and loosing the word of God to those around us. Let us come together in a new understanding of Gods word. It is alive and active,and the word in us gives power and authority over the world. We together make up the church and body of Christ,stop and think about which part you are? Are you the ear,eye,or hand,or the tongue,what ever you are you are apart of the body and can be used to bring about salvation to the lost. But if the body is broken than it can not function properly. So therefore it must be repaired,the first step is coming together,then we must confess our sins and be cleansed of all unrighteousness.Healing takes place when we face our sin and ask forgiveness. The body heals and becomes effective,we become the eye,ear,the hand and tongue of God in the world!
Our life is over in a moment of time,so ask your self if it has been well spent on the Lord. Are we to busy seeking and doing our own pleasure,Fretting about the things of this world? Now is the time to act on the WORD for eternity is but a breath away.............
HE WHO CAN HEAR..........in His love, tom
As I read Matt.8:1-31,I see healing and hear Jesus calling us to do the same and greater. Yet we fail because we ask amiss. There is sickness, disease and marriages falling apart,all because we fail to take authority over these situations. We allow curses rather than blessings to flow from our mouths. As we begin each day with prayers, what are we seeking in those prayers? Who do we want to be in control of our lives,self or God's Holy Spirit, self is a mighty weapon and if given over to the Holy Spirit it will accomplish Gods will and not our own.
Salvation is of the Lord,but now we must act upon this by studying and loosing the word of God to those around us. Let us come together in a new understanding of Gods word. It is alive and active,and the word in us gives power and authority over the world. We together make up the church and body of Christ,stop and think about which part you are? Are you the ear,eye,or hand,or the tongue,what ever you are you are apart of the body and can be used to bring about salvation to the lost. But if the body is broken than it can not function properly. So therefore it must be repaired,the first step is coming together,then we must confess our sins and be cleansed of all unrighteousness.Healing takes place when we face our sin and ask forgiveness. The body heals and becomes effective,we become the eye,ear,the hand and tongue of God in the world!
Our life is over in a moment of time,so ask your self if it has been well spent on the Lord. Are we to busy seeking and doing our own pleasure,Fretting about the things of this world? Now is the time to act on the WORD for eternity is but a breath away.............
HE WHO CAN HEAR..........in His love, tom
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The definition of SIN: an offense against God,transgression of the Law. A vitiated state of human nature in which the SELF is estranged from God. [ vitiate: contaminate,Pollute,Debase,Pervert,to make in effective or weak.] These days we have attempted to erase the word SIN,especially from our language.Our educational system,churches and all public forums will never discuss the word Sin or use it as a descriptive way of commenting on what is wrong. So today we destroy the word Sin by using words like hate mongers ,prejudiced,homophobic and even racially motivated ideas.But the truth is we are SINFUL.
These words awaken me to the fact that we can mask and call Sin by any other name but it is still SIN. (John15:6) "If a man abide not in me,he is cast forth as a branch,and it is withered." Today could you make a list of 100 things that would please the Lord,could you do it?The fact is that I probably couldn't,but there is one thing I can list for certain "ABIDE IN ME." This is one thing that as a believer I'm responsible for,keeping our union and our fellowship in-tack with Him,then everything else will be taken care of. When we don't want to think about anything else,that's when we need to focus our attention and mind on Gods word. When we focus on the word we will find the force of faith building in us and those dark thoughts will be repelled , learn to fellowship in the word every day and Jesus won't let you down.
MY SIN is ever before me,and the word says to hate Sin,not the sinner ( I am a sinner),though I would rather be able to forsake the sin and overcome it by the Blood of the Lamb.Our SIN nature is to fulfill the desires of the flesh. No matter the cost we will deny Gods warnings and laws by using our own thoughts to negate His words.( Jer.14:20, " I acknowledge my wickedness,O Lord,and the iniquity of my fathers,for we have sinned against you. ( Luke 15:18...." Father I have SINNED against you and heaven and before you.")
For a true act of love is to love the sinner and realize it is not hateful to tell a person he or she is in Sin.We hate Sin by refusing to condone,excuse,or consider it and choose not to ignore it.Yes we all fall short of Gods (AGAPE) love. Forgiveness is an every day battle for the hearts and minds of men, SO HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN,CAST THE FIRST STONE.....He who can hear......tom
The definition of SIN: an offense against God,transgression of the Law. A vitiated state of human nature in which the SELF is estranged from God. [ vitiate: contaminate,Pollute,Debase,Pervert,to make in effective or weak.] These days we have attempted to erase the word SIN,especially from our language.Our educational system,churches and all public forums will never discuss the word Sin or use it as a descriptive way of commenting on what is wrong. So today we destroy the word Sin by using words like hate mongers ,prejudiced,homophobic and even racially motivated ideas.But the truth is we are SINFUL.
These words awaken me to the fact that we can mask and call Sin by any other name but it is still SIN. (John15:6) "If a man abide not in me,he is cast forth as a branch,and it is withered." Today could you make a list of 100 things that would please the Lord,could you do it?The fact is that I probably couldn't,but there is one thing I can list for certain "ABIDE IN ME." This is one thing that as a believer I'm responsible for,keeping our union and our fellowship in-tack with Him,then everything else will be taken care of. When we don't want to think about anything else,that's when we need to focus our attention and mind on Gods word. When we focus on the word we will find the force of faith building in us and those dark thoughts will be repelled , learn to fellowship in the word every day and Jesus won't let you down.
MY SIN is ever before me,and the word says to hate Sin,not the sinner ( I am a sinner),though I would rather be able to forsake the sin and overcome it by the Blood of the Lamb.Our SIN nature is to fulfill the desires of the flesh. No matter the cost we will deny Gods warnings and laws by using our own thoughts to negate His words.( Jer.14:20, " I acknowledge my wickedness,O Lord,and the iniquity of my fathers,for we have sinned against you. ( Luke 15:18...." Father I have SINNED against you and heaven and before you.")
For a true act of love is to love the sinner and realize it is not hateful to tell a person he or she is in Sin.We hate Sin by refusing to condone,excuse,or consider it and choose not to ignore it.Yes we all fall short of Gods (AGAPE) love. Forgiveness is an every day battle for the hearts and minds of men, SO HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN,CAST THE FIRST STONE.....He who can hear......tom
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Is It God who tempts you? The force of faith is what over comes temptation.(James 1:13-15 ) Says," Let no one say when he is tempted,I am being tempted by God. For god cannot be tempted with evil and He himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.Then desire when it is conceived gives birth to sin,and sin when fully grown brings forth DEATH. But if told to run a mile each day to improve your health and you decide once a week ,will you see improvement? Well, this is true when you run into a trying circumstance the devil has brought your way. if you just keep thinking on the circumstance the devil will run on with you and damage will be done. But if you'll remain consistently constant,trusting in and relying confidently on the word(Jesus) of God you will end up perfect and whole,wanting nothing except the word! Amen. I hope you realize that patience is not a consolation prize but that it is first-rate power that will put the promises of God within your reach and make a winner out of you.
READ [ GEN.26:15-22] It will show you how to avoid temptation by ones actions.....
IN HIS LOVE....tom
Is It God who tempts you? The force of faith is what over comes temptation.(James 1:13-15 ) Says," Let no one say when he is tempted,I am being tempted by God. For god cannot be tempted with evil and He himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.Then desire when it is conceived gives birth to sin,and sin when fully grown brings forth DEATH. But if told to run a mile each day to improve your health and you decide once a week ,will you see improvement? Well, this is true when you run into a trying circumstance the devil has brought your way. if you just keep thinking on the circumstance the devil will run on with you and damage will be done. But if you'll remain consistently constant,trusting in and relying confidently on the word(Jesus) of God you will end up perfect and whole,wanting nothing except the word! Amen. I hope you realize that patience is not a consolation prize but that it is first-rate power that will put the promises of God within your reach and make a winner out of you.
READ [ GEN.26:15-22] It will show you how to avoid temptation by ones actions.....
IN HIS LOVE....tom
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Jesus spoke these words, life words,faith words,promise words,Spirit filled words,belief words,healing words,and the list grows.....So now we are free to hear these words and have grounds to shout these words,Grace words ,Mercy words,Words that abound in me,Life words are ours to speak freely in the presence of all who can hear. We can move mountains and still the waves of the sea, we can speak the words with the authority and power given to us through the word of GOD ( Jesus the living word ) My friends take hold of the word,build it in your heart ,in your mind,let it fill your soul and be those words you speak without doubt, fear or anxiety.These words must yield to faith, we have what the word of life says we have.......We are together in the garden of His Love,we are His beloved and the beloved is ours. "I will not keep silent, Righteousness will go forward as brightness and salvation as a burning torch. we shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem in the the hand of our God. We shall be called His delight and as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so shall God rejoice over us! Go through the gates and prepare the way for the lost. The Lord has proclaimed to the ends of the earth;" Behold salvation comes,His reward is with Him,and His recompense before Him, and they shall be called a Holy people,The redeemed of the of the Lord, and we shall be called SOUGHT OUT,a people not forsaken.......He who has ears let him hear,He who doesn't let him be" (Ps.62)
Jesus spoke these words, life words,faith words,promise words,Spirit filled words,belief words,healing words,and the list grows.....So now we are free to hear these words and have grounds to shout these words,Grace words ,Mercy words,Words that abound in me,Life words are ours to speak freely in the presence of all who can hear. We can move mountains and still the waves of the sea, we can speak the words with the authority and power given to us through the word of GOD ( Jesus the living word ) My friends take hold of the word,build it in your heart ,in your mind,let it fill your soul and be those words you speak without doubt, fear or anxiety.These words must yield to faith, we have what the word of life says we have.......We are together in the garden of His Love,we are His beloved and the beloved is ours. "I will not keep silent, Righteousness will go forward as brightness and salvation as a burning torch. we shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem in the the hand of our God. We shall be called His delight and as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride so shall God rejoice over us! Go through the gates and prepare the way for the lost. The Lord has proclaimed to the ends of the earth;" Behold salvation comes,His reward is with Him,and His recompense before Him, and they shall be called a Holy people,The redeemed of the of the Lord, and we shall be called SOUGHT OUT,a people not forsaken.......He who has ears let him hear,He who doesn't let him be" (Ps.62)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
" He who will hear, Let him hear,and he who refuses to hear let them."
In Ezk.2:3 the Lord sent a prophet to the people,a nation that had rebelled. He knew some would listen and others would turn a deaf ear. But He told the prophet not to be dismayed by what words he spoke and not received. The Lord told him that they are a rebellious house( nation ). Have we become a rebellious house? But He tells us not to be rebellious and He gave to the prophet a scroll to eat( Ezk2:8-10 ).then in Ezk.3:10-11.He tells him to receive them in his heart and hear with his ears,and go to the exiles(lost), "whether they hear or refuse to hear." These words were filled with lamentation,and morning and woe. The scroll that he ate was as sweet as honey and the Lord then told him to go and speak His words to the house of Israel. Then in Rev.5:1,Then I saw the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back,sealed with 7 seals.And who is worthy to open the scroll and break it's seals?and no one in heaven or earth or under the earth was able to look into it. I began to weep and an elder said to me,"weep no more; behold the LION OF JUDA," the root of David, has conquered, so he can open the scroll and 7 seals. " Worthy is the lamb for by His blood we were ransomed, a people for God from every tribe and language and nation.And He has made us a kingdom and priests to our God and we shall reign on earth." Now what I see is that we who have the power and authority are to be the instrument of the Lord in taking back the blessings He gave us through Jesus Christ. Satan has run over Us because we fail to eat the scrolls of Honey [ THE BIBLE ]. The Living word of GOD,the word of life( 1Jn.1:1-4 ).As Ezekiel ate and received so should we.feast on His promises and His words......He has risen....
In His Love....tom
" He who will hear, Let him hear,and he who refuses to hear let them."
In Ezk.2:3 the Lord sent a prophet to the people,a nation that had rebelled. He knew some would listen and others would turn a deaf ear. But He told the prophet not to be dismayed by what words he spoke and not received. The Lord told him that they are a rebellious house( nation ). Have we become a rebellious house? But He tells us not to be rebellious and He gave to the prophet a scroll to eat( Ezk2:8-10 ).then in Ezk.3:10-11.He tells him to receive them in his heart and hear with his ears,and go to the exiles(lost), "whether they hear or refuse to hear." These words were filled with lamentation,and morning and woe. The scroll that he ate was as sweet as honey and the Lord then told him to go and speak His words to the house of Israel. Then in Rev.5:1,Then I saw the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back,sealed with 7 seals.And who is worthy to open the scroll and break it's seals?and no one in heaven or earth or under the earth was able to look into it. I began to weep and an elder said to me,"weep no more; behold the LION OF JUDA," the root of David, has conquered, so he can open the scroll and 7 seals. " Worthy is the lamb for by His blood we were ransomed, a people for God from every tribe and language and nation.And He has made us a kingdom and priests to our God and we shall reign on earth." Now what I see is that we who have the power and authority are to be the instrument of the Lord in taking back the blessings He gave us through Jesus Christ. Satan has run over Us because we fail to eat the scrolls of Honey [ THE BIBLE ]. The Living word of GOD,the word of life( 1Jn.1:1-4 ).As Ezekiel ate and received so should we.feast on His promises and His words......He has risen....
In His Love....tom
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
[ 1 Tim.2:1-2 ] " I exhort therefore'that,first of all,supplications,prayers,intercessions,and giving of thanks,be made for all men;For kings,and all men in authority;that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."
Does this verse seem clear,it is instructions which to me are perfectly clear! Especially now in these days of uncertainty,when we see our economy and the Europeans suffering the same fate. Yet we fail to see the power in prayer and neglect to pray for the men in authority both here and abroad, I reason (incorrectly) that my one prayer won't do much to change the world. Because being over whelmed by the problems I see, could my prayer affect our leaders and the world to? So I fail to pray for our countries leaders and the world leaders too. But for me it's time to take hold how my prayers and yours can change the course of the world around us.It's time to take hold of 1Tim 2:1-2 and realize that there is no council,no president,no congress,no anything that can overthrow GOD's purpose for His people. God has called us to intercede.He has commanded us to pray for those in authority .He has given us His word,His power,His authority,and His faith,all the tools necessary to pray effectively for our government and the world leaders. So I urge you now to intercede on behalf of our nation and the world to stand against the evil that is attacking all the truth of the word in the world today. Take time to pray for our nation and the misguided leaders. We are the ambassadors of His word and therefore it is our responsibility to pray every day,and never underestimate the power to change the world around you through those prayers.....We are more than conquers!!! Through the power of His word....Release your faith today.
in His love ......tom
Does this verse seem clear,it is instructions which to me are perfectly clear! Especially now in these days of uncertainty,when we see our economy and the Europeans suffering the same fate. Yet we fail to see the power in prayer and neglect to pray for the men in authority both here and abroad, I reason (incorrectly) that my one prayer won't do much to change the world. Because being over whelmed by the problems I see, could my prayer affect our leaders and the world to? So I fail to pray for our countries leaders and the world leaders too. But for me it's time to take hold how my prayers and yours can change the course of the world around us.It's time to take hold of 1Tim 2:1-2 and realize that there is no council,no president,no congress,no anything that can overthrow GOD's purpose for His people. God has called us to intercede.He has commanded us to pray for those in authority .He has given us His word,His power,His authority,and His faith,all the tools necessary to pray effectively for our government and the world leaders. So I urge you now to intercede on behalf of our nation and the world to stand against the evil that is attacking all the truth of the word in the world today. Take time to pray for our nation and the misguided leaders. We are the ambassadors of His word and therefore it is our responsibility to pray every day,and never underestimate the power to change the world around you through those prayers.....We are more than conquers!!! Through the power of His word....Release your faith today.
in His love ......tom
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Have you stopped to consider the blessings that God has bestowed upon you? Think on this, every day that we are alive and have the ability to praise Him,is a blessing. Each day we should start our day with thanksgiving! Of course there are some people who never seem to recognize the blessings as they come, they don't think about what they receive.We reap what we sow and our harvest is directed by the things we plant,if we plant year around we can harvest year around. Just some of the things we can plant are how we treat others ,what we give to God,are we judgmental,do we cast our bread on the waters or do we wait to see what the waters bring? Gods blessings don't work that way,you can expect but never receive because you never plant. Luke 6:38,Says " GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AGAIN,THE WAY YOU MEASURE IT IT WILL BE MEASURED BACK TO YOU." You have to make the first move,you send the ship out before it returns.Think about this the next time you are about to complain about being blessed!Remember what ever you have cast will be found further on down the road,If you have been giving nothing,you will receive nothing. So today start to sow what you want returned to you in this life under the SON. Eventually you will enjoy your harvest..
in His love.........tom
Have you stopped to consider the blessings that God has bestowed upon you? Think on this, every day that we are alive and have the ability to praise Him,is a blessing. Each day we should start our day with thanksgiving! Of course there are some people who never seem to recognize the blessings as they come, they don't think about what they receive.We reap what we sow and our harvest is directed by the things we plant,if we plant year around we can harvest year around. Just some of the things we can plant are how we treat others ,what we give to God,are we judgmental,do we cast our bread on the waters or do we wait to see what the waters bring? Gods blessings don't work that way,you can expect but never receive because you never plant. Luke 6:38,Says " GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AGAIN,THE WAY YOU MEASURE IT IT WILL BE MEASURED BACK TO YOU." You have to make the first move,you send the ship out before it returns.Think about this the next time you are about to complain about being blessed!Remember what ever you have cast will be found further on down the road,If you have been giving nothing,you will receive nothing. So today start to sow what you want returned to you in this life under the SON. Eventually you will enjoy your harvest..
in His love.........tom
Saturday, August 11, 2012
There are times when I have trouble believing in the word of God.Not just agreeing with it mentally,but really believing that what it says will work for me! There are times in the word when the promises stagger my mind.There have been times when i have felt so defeated and circumstances around me looked so bad that it was tough for me to believe that I was "more than a conqueror" even though I knew God said I was. So what do you do when you stagger on the promises of God? You must meditate on those promises,reflecting on the word of God and then apply them to your circumstances again and again if necessary until those words become permanent in your conscious mind. This is what happened to Abram, His wife Sara was old and barren how could they have a child ?,much less a nation full of children! How could he imagine such a thing?
So God took him out into the starry night and said "so shall thy seed be." Taking time to envision the promises of God until they become a reality in you,don't just read the word but meditate and study the promises for they are meant for us and are true. May I suggest you read Romans4:13-25 and meditate and reflect on these words.........in His love......tom
Saturday, August 4, 2012
"Watch and pray that you don't enter into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing,but the flesh is weak."
How many times have we fallen back into the same sin,even though we have resolved not to! It has happened to all of us.Even Peter swore that he would never deny Jesus...but he did,3 times in fact.Yet there is something we can do so as not to yield to temptation.We can" watch and pray." That is what Jesus told the disciples to do in the garden.Jesus knows when we are about to be tempted,and the weakness of our flesh.If we don't strengthen our spirit through prayer and the reading of the word,we fall prey to temptation. In Jude verses 20-21 Jesus tells us to build our selves up in our most Holy Faith by praying in the Holy Spirit. Guard and keep ourselves in the love of God. Even though our untrained flesh will have the tendency to fall into sin. Ps.145:18 says " The Lord is near to all who call to Him in truth."Ps.46:1 says " God is our refuge and our strength, A very present help in trouble. Paul cried out what a wretched man I am!Who will deliver me from this body of death? So Rom.7:25 says " Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ! So then ,I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh the law of sin. As long as we remain in the world our sinful nature and fleshly desires will remain with us. This is what leads to the struggle we face each day.
However we have a new nature in Christ, and this leads us between what we actually do as sin continues to assault us. Though our efforts to do right seem desperate at times, We have hope "Through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom.7:25) and He in fact is the key to our success in overcoming sin. So keep our focus on the word(JESUS) He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure,He will provide the way of escape.......Amen
HE WHO CAN HEAR.......in His love.......tom
"Watch and pray that you don't enter into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing,but the flesh is weak."
How many times have we fallen back into the same sin,even though we have resolved not to! It has happened to all of us.Even Peter swore that he would never deny Jesus...but he did,3 times in fact.Yet there is something we can do so as not to yield to temptation.We can" watch and pray." That is what Jesus told the disciples to do in the garden.Jesus knows when we are about to be tempted,and the weakness of our flesh.If we don't strengthen our spirit through prayer and the reading of the word,we fall prey to temptation. In Jude verses 20-21 Jesus tells us to build our selves up in our most Holy Faith by praying in the Holy Spirit. Guard and keep ourselves in the love of God. Even though our untrained flesh will have the tendency to fall into sin. Ps.145:18 says " The Lord is near to all who call to Him in truth."Ps.46:1 says " God is our refuge and our strength, A very present help in trouble. Paul cried out what a wretched man I am!Who will deliver me from this body of death? So Rom.7:25 says " Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ! So then ,I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh the law of sin. As long as we remain in the world our sinful nature and fleshly desires will remain with us. This is what leads to the struggle we face each day.
However we have a new nature in Christ, and this leads us between what we actually do as sin continues to assault us. Though our efforts to do right seem desperate at times, We have hope "Through our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom.7:25) and He in fact is the key to our success in overcoming sin. So keep our focus on the word(JESUS) He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can endure,He will provide the way of escape.......Amen
HE WHO CAN HEAR.......in His love.......tom
Monday, July 30, 2012
What a statement,think about it! How many times have we been tripped up by the devil? Yet the word of God says it doesn't have to be that way. What is the answer to standing and not falling? The word is DILIGENCE,and we need to know how important it is.We can't live a life of victory without it.If we don't feed our spirit every day we weaken our resolve to be strong in the word. Reading your bible only on Sunday will lead eventually to a starved spirit. I believe this is why we have thousands of believers trying to get by on Gods word and once a week they open the word to study and worship and when trouble comes their way they are not secure in the knowledge of Gods word. An example of this is when a pastor received a phone call and the member of his church was asking for prayer for a cancer that had reoccurred. He overheard her asking some one to find her bible so that she could follow along. in hearing her whisper to someone to find her bible he knew that she was not going to make it! Why? No DILIGENCE ON HER PART TO STAY IN THE WORD AFTER SHE FIRST RECEIVED HER HEALING. The devil is out there 24 hrs. a day devising ways to destroy believers,WE need to be exercising our faith all the time. If we are going to defeat the devil,sickness and disease, we must be diligent to the word,this means more than just going to church on Sundays.Diligence to the word of God will keep you from falling, so devote 7 days a week to the word be DILIGENT......A word to the wise.....ISAIAH54:17, 2PETER1:10
READ TO FIND YOURSELF APPROVED!!!! in His love........tom
What a statement,think about it! How many times have we been tripped up by the devil? Yet the word of God says it doesn't have to be that way. What is the answer to standing and not falling? The word is DILIGENCE,and we need to know how important it is.We can't live a life of victory without it.If we don't feed our spirit every day we weaken our resolve to be strong in the word. Reading your bible only on Sunday will lead eventually to a starved spirit. I believe this is why we have thousands of believers trying to get by on Gods word and once a week they open the word to study and worship and when trouble comes their way they are not secure in the knowledge of Gods word. An example of this is when a pastor received a phone call and the member of his church was asking for prayer for a cancer that had reoccurred. He overheard her asking some one to find her bible so that she could follow along. in hearing her whisper to someone to find her bible he knew that she was not going to make it! Why? No DILIGENCE ON HER PART TO STAY IN THE WORD AFTER SHE FIRST RECEIVED HER HEALING. The devil is out there 24 hrs. a day devising ways to destroy believers,WE need to be exercising our faith all the time. If we are going to defeat the devil,sickness and disease, we must be diligent to the word,this means more than just going to church on Sundays.Diligence to the word of God will keep you from falling, so devote 7 days a week to the word be DILIGENT......A word to the wise.....ISAIAH54:17, 2PETER1:10
READ TO FIND YOURSELF APPROVED!!!! in His love........tom
Thursday, July 26, 2012
The word of God feeds your spirit and is nourishment for the soul,so read the word every day to build your faith and reliance on God. Amazing as it might seem memories of chapter and verse soon fade, so the reading of the word serves to reinforce our will to continue in our walk with Him each day. When I say that memory fades,I take thought of biting into a peach, the juices flow and I can recall the taste but there is no substance to fill my belly.Seeing and reading the word fills me, when my memory fades, what builds me up is reading the word. So may I suggest that you not rely on memory but read the word to replenish your spiritual thoughts and build upon your faith.Then one day you will read a verse that you have read many times before and it will take on a new meaning. Today this happened to me with the above mentioned verses, bread for the physical body but the word for your spirit.Yes when we feed our spirit with the word we grow in all that God has for us, And we learn all the more that His timing is always perfect and meant to perfect His saints. A voice cries prepare the way of the Lord; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and soon all flesh shall see it. Praise His wonderful name,for His word will stand forever.
The word of God feeds your spirit and is nourishment for the soul,so read the word every day to build your faith and reliance on God. Amazing as it might seem memories of chapter and verse soon fade, so the reading of the word serves to reinforce our will to continue in our walk with Him each day. When I say that memory fades,I take thought of biting into a peach, the juices flow and I can recall the taste but there is no substance to fill my belly.Seeing and reading the word fills me, when my memory fades, what builds me up is reading the word. So may I suggest that you not rely on memory but read the word to replenish your spiritual thoughts and build upon your faith.Then one day you will read a verse that you have read many times before and it will take on a new meaning. Today this happened to me with the above mentioned verses, bread for the physical body but the word for your spirit.Yes when we feed our spirit with the word we grow in all that God has for us, And we learn all the more that His timing is always perfect and meant to perfect His saints. A voice cries prepare the way of the Lord; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and soon all flesh shall see it. Praise His wonderful name,for His word will stand forever.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
This morning my devotional led me back to Proverbs 4:20-27, the book of practical living. Learning to be attentive to Gods word is LIFE, by keeping them in your heart they become healing to your flesh. So put away crooked speech,and devious talk, and keep your eyes on the word. Truly I tell you we have the power of LIFE in the words we speak.Sometimes I ask myself why is it that if Gods word brings healing and health, then why are so many Christians sick? What I find is this.....many believers don't take the time to plant the word deeply into their hearts. This can be for healing or prosperity or even for pledges they make. Gods word covers all of our needs if we will only take the time to study them, not only studying them but believing them, trusting them,and relying on them. It is a whole new way of living,Gods way, not the worlds way! Also I find that we as Christians don't do or move according to the word. we don't listen,an example of this is when my doctor prescribes medicine to take instead of drinking it I decide to rub it in my hands,then I end up wondering why it didn't work! You see following Gods instructions is really the solution to the problem.So if you need healing look up all scriptures that pertain to healing , learn them, meditate on them,and walk in them. Remember Gods words are LIFE to those who find them. Learning Gods word is a walk that takes time, How much time we devote to Him will reflect in our being over-comers of the world system and victorious in Gods world. REMEMBER YOU CAN'T OVERDOSE ON GODS WORD....
in His Love........tom
Sunday, June 24, 2012
"ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE:and they that love it shall eat the fruit therefore." [Prov.18:21]. In Romans 4:17, He uses words to call those things which be not as though they were. What is said by this is when you are feeling sick,don't go by those feelings. Rely on Gods word which says He is the God that healeth thee(Prov.12:18). Some might say that is lying ,but a lie is meant to deceive someone.Speaking Gods word by faith is simply speaking words that agree with Gods words and is meant to put His words into action for you. So speak by faith and don't wish that they will come true,have faith that what you are saying will come to pass.Stop looking at the circumstances that surround you,Speak from your spirit not your circumstances (mind). In 2Cor.4:13 The Lord says " Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written. I Believed, and so I spoke."....some will speak and not have the faith to back it up and as a result end up falling back on there circumstances.So don't call things the way you wish, but as though they are. Believing what you have put forth will bring action from the Lord. Stop speaking the worlds circumstances and start believing the promises of God who fulfilled them all in Christ Jesus, Put the word to work in your life today...........Read Prov.15, Study these words for they are life....
He who can hear.......tom
"ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE:and they that love it shall eat the fruit therefore." [Prov.18:21]. In Romans 4:17, He uses words to call those things which be not as though they were. What is said by this is when you are feeling sick,don't go by those feelings. Rely on Gods word which says He is the God that healeth thee(Prov.12:18). Some might say that is lying ,but a lie is meant to deceive someone.Speaking Gods word by faith is simply speaking words that agree with Gods words and is meant to put His words into action for you. So speak by faith and don't wish that they will come true,have faith that what you are saying will come to pass.Stop looking at the circumstances that surround you,Speak from your spirit not your circumstances (mind). In 2Cor.4:13 The Lord says " Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written. I Believed, and so I spoke."....some will speak and not have the faith to back it up and as a result end up falling back on there circumstances.So don't call things the way you wish, but as though they are. Believing what you have put forth will bring action from the Lord. Stop speaking the worlds circumstances and start believing the promises of God who fulfilled them all in Christ Jesus, Put the word to work in your life today...........Read Prov.15, Study these words for they are life....
He who can hear.......tom
Saturday, June 23, 2012
1 COR 13:4-5 Love...is not touchy fretful or resentful;it takes no account of the evil done to it---pays no attention to a suffered wrong."
Its true! Medical science has proven it. Researchers have discovered that hostility produces stress that causes ulcers,tension headaches,and a host of other ills.Hostility is not just when something serious happens,its the little things that cause the worst problems.Like when the dry cleaners ruins your good clothes,or the waitress puts gravy on your food and you asked for it on the side. Stop to think of how much stress you can save yourself by being quick to forgive,by not counting up the evils done to you.(1Cor.13),live your life according to this chapter and the physical and emotional benefits will show themselves. Don't be bound by hostility, I know this is not an easy thing to avoid but you can,and it is the love of God in you that will enable you to walk free. Bind the enemy of hostility and walk in the love of Christ and put hostility,unforgiveness,and selfishness behind you, live the life of love it doesn't take a medical miracle to turn your life around. It takes a decision to yield to the force of LOVE....Start today!
in His love.....tom
1 COR 13:4-5 Love...is not touchy fretful or resentful;it takes no account of the evil done to it---pays no attention to a suffered wrong."
Its true! Medical science has proven it. Researchers have discovered that hostility produces stress that causes ulcers,tension headaches,and a host of other ills.Hostility is not just when something serious happens,its the little things that cause the worst problems.Like when the dry cleaners ruins your good clothes,or the waitress puts gravy on your food and you asked for it on the side. Stop to think of how much stress you can save yourself by being quick to forgive,by not counting up the evils done to you.(1Cor.13),live your life according to this chapter and the physical and emotional benefits will show themselves. Don't be bound by hostility, I know this is not an easy thing to avoid but you can,and it is the love of God in you that will enable you to walk free. Bind the enemy of hostility and walk in the love of Christ and put hostility,unforgiveness,and selfishness behind you, live the life of love it doesn't take a medical miracle to turn your life around. It takes a decision to yield to the force of LOVE....Start today!
in His love.....tom
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Realizing that we believers are living in the kingdom and that the kingdom is not a place but rather is Gods Domain (KING-DOM) The realm of His domain.It is Gods system of government. In His Domain words like sickness,failure,or I'm broke do not exist.His words are the exact opposite,they are words of life,and to live by. Rom.10:8-11 says " The word is near you,and in your mouth so confess with your mouth.....for with the heart one believes and is justified. James3:2-8 the power of the tongue is compared to the rudder of a ship,and it doesn't take much to steer, but if you don't control it you will wreck. Much the same with our tongue,The tongue is unruly,evil,and full of deadly poison.Our words may seem small to us but according to the disciple James they are behind everything that happens.They are like a small match that sets and burns down an entire forest. James1:2 says "If anyone among us seems to be religious,and doesn't control his tongue,he deceives himself,and his religion is vain.Luke6:45 says "That what ever a person thinks about or imagines ends up in his heart. A person not born again can't control his mouth and doesn't realize what he is saying or doing because of what is in the heart. I can verify that for before I was saved by grace my tongue spoke filth and was not very encouraging. 2Cor.10:4-5 tells us that we can bring our tongues into submission,casting down vain thoughts and imaginations and everything that exalteth its self against the knowledge of God. My first step was making an uncompromising decision to put Gods word FIRST PLACE in my life. To treat Gods word as truth and every thing that contradicts it as lies. Then do as James3:14 says " Lie not against the truth."Its simple,but not easy.After all most of my early life was speaking the worlds words which are corrupt and contradict Gods word. I found in Eph.4:29 " Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth, unbelieving words that will corrupt your faith and life,your health and prosperity and all life around you. So if you can hear and understand why your tongue is responsible for Blessings or curses,chose life and be a blessing today..........in His love.tom
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
TODAY PS.91:7,10." A thousand may fall at your side,ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you." V.10 " No evil shall be allowed to befall you,no plague come near your tent." Wow! How do these words written over 4000 years ago come into reality in todays world? Times have changed and today one nuclear bomb can wipe out tens of thousands of people,and amongst them Believers too. So how does Gods word protect us in this current day? And if plagues are not allowed to come near our tent ( home ), why do we see Gods children with cancer and heart disease and every other kind of sickness? Where have we failed as believers to see Gods word (Jesus) who gave us power and authority to over come these things happen today! What can we do to understand the wisdom contained in the WORD of GOD? First off, the word is the same yesterday,today and forever.( Heb.13:8 ),JESUS IS THE WORD! Now God lets us know that we live not by food alone but by every WORD that proceeds from His mouth. [ Jesus spoke it,we have it written today.Now we need to learn it. ]. We as believers are responsible to walk in the word and rely,trust and believe that it will come to pass. PSALM 103:21, "Bless the Lord, all his hosts,his minister,who do his will". Do we seek to do His will? For he tells us to store up the Word in our hearts,that we might not sin against Him. Prov.:30:5, "Every word of God proves true; a shield to those who take refuge in Him. And He confirms how exceedingly great is His army who execute His Word,. Yes we have power but first we must truly seek His word and build it in our hearts,and thoughts,and then speak it with authority.Let us not be faint and undecided, let us speak in knowing His word will not return void. I don't think there is any doubt that can not be overcome by the word of the LORD.[ Joel 2:11] our reaction to the world about us is the words we speak forth from our hearts! So my brothers and sisters hold fast to the word, unless you believed in vain! (1Cor.15:1-2). I leave you with these thoughts and hope it sheds light to your understanding.......In his love.....tom
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Why do we seek the Lord?
Is it for social reasons or to find away to use His words to fulfill our own selfish desires.
As for me I found His words to be the Bread of Life.The book of John 6 shows how the people sought out Jesus, now was it for the fishes and loaves of bread,or for the spiritual food? In verse 26 he tells us the answer! And then goes on to say that we should look for the food that does not perish. He also reaffirms that He is the son,V.29 " This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.V.33 goes on to say " For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." unlike the manna from heaven that perished each day. Jesus said " I am the bread of life,whoever comes to me shall not hunger......." V48. " Your fathers ate manna and they died, but if you partake of Jesus you shall have life eternal. Here is where Jesus foretells that His Life (flesh) was given for the world (us,humans). This is the stumbling block for many as they ask how we can eat the flesh, but He is not speaking of flesh and bones but of Spiritual food.
[ABIDE IN ME, JN.15:4, V5 I AM THE VINE and he who is in the vine bears much fruit ( spiritual fruit ) and apart from Him we can do nothing. What I'm saying is, walking in the word of God is not only life in the flesh but we also feed our spirit. To me this is the the the flesh and blood of Jesus the living word. This is just the start of bring forth the fruit for all to partake of, as we continue to study and pursue the WORD, we will find that the fruit we bear will be endless in abundance, to those who seek to be apart of the branches. We become the clay in which He molds us into His use and for His glory. So if this speaks to your heart then open your ears to hear His spirit speaking to you.......
Is it for social reasons or to find away to use His words to fulfill our own selfish desires.
As for me I found His words to be the Bread of Life.The book of John 6 shows how the people sought out Jesus, now was it for the fishes and loaves of bread,or for the spiritual food? In verse 26 he tells us the answer! And then goes on to say that we should look for the food that does not perish. He also reaffirms that He is the son,V.29 " This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.V.33 goes on to say " For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." unlike the manna from heaven that perished each day. Jesus said " I am the bread of life,whoever comes to me shall not hunger......." V48. " Your fathers ate manna and they died, but if you partake of Jesus you shall have life eternal. Here is where Jesus foretells that His Life (flesh) was given for the world (us,humans). This is the stumbling block for many as they ask how we can eat the flesh, but He is not speaking of flesh and bones but of Spiritual food.
[ABIDE IN ME, JN.15:4, V5 I AM THE VINE and he who is in the vine bears much fruit ( spiritual fruit ) and apart from Him we can do nothing. What I'm saying is, walking in the word of God is not only life in the flesh but we also feed our spirit. To me this is the the the flesh and blood of Jesus the living word. This is just the start of bring forth the fruit for all to partake of, as we continue to study and pursue the WORD, we will find that the fruit we bear will be endless in abundance, to those who seek to be apart of the branches. We become the clay in which He molds us into His use and for His glory. So if this speaks to your heart then open your ears to hear His spirit speaking to you.......
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Well it has been awhile since I have blogged, so here goes.
Today I'm walking in the word Prov.1:2-7 and as I start These words must be shared " I am blessed,wise and in good health!
The beginning of knowledge is to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive in wise dealing, in righteousness,justice,and equity......let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance....
The understanding of the words to fear the Lord are to bring us to the knowledge of His word.By this we begin to realize that our lives are direct reflection of His word in us.We can choose life or death by the words we speak, Prov.18:21,all contained in the power of the tongue.So put the word of God in your mouth which comes through the constant renewing of your mind with the word(read your BIBLE) IT DOES YOU KNOW GOOD SITTING ON A TABLE OR BURIED ON A SHELF. The fool despises wisdom and instruction! So don't allow the devil to keep you from the word,these words are life to those who find them....
In His Love, tom
Today I'm walking in the word Prov.1:2-7 and as I start These words must be shared " I am blessed,wise and in good health!
The beginning of knowledge is to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive in wise dealing, in righteousness,justice,and equity......let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance....
The understanding of the words to fear the Lord are to bring us to the knowledge of His word.By this we begin to realize that our lives are direct reflection of His word in us.We can choose life or death by the words we speak, Prov.18:21,all contained in the power of the tongue.So put the word of God in your mouth which comes through the constant renewing of your mind with the word(read your BIBLE) IT DOES YOU KNOW GOOD SITTING ON A TABLE OR BURIED ON A SHELF. The fool despises wisdom and instruction! So don't allow the devil to keep you from the word,these words are life to those who find them....
In His Love, tom
Monday, March 5, 2012
Inconsistency,can we overcome it?
One day @ a time, 1 hr.@ a time, 1 minute @ a time.There are days that go by and all seems well, than all of a sudden the problems arise. With us,it seems always to center around the RV we live in. Leaks in the roof,water pump failing,not enough storage, common complaints I sure. But I find myself saying ( GOD ) can't we catch a break! Why is it that if it weren't for bad luck we wouldn't have any luck @ all....
Well this is just one of the biggest deceptions that has been spoken through out my life there is no such thing as luck. God allows and Satan takes advantage of our weaknesses.Those weaknesses most likely caused by ourselves not walking in the word. Once we learn how powerful Gods word is and we begin to rely and trust in His word,then we see the doors of life thrown open before us.So learn to seek His will for you each day,one day @ a time and be consistent in your will to seek Him first. No it isn't easy but we can do it! We set in motion Gods actions the moment we start to pray,start each day with prayer and watch the doors open. [ PS.127:1-2 ] " We labor in vain, unless the Lord watches over us,It is vain to rise up early and go to rest late, eating the bread of anxious toil ( tossing and turning all night ).He gives sleep to the beloved. As we learn to trust,delight in, and obey Gods word we will develop a KNOWING trust of Gods ability to carry our load. For He said "BLESSED IS EVERYONE WHO FEARS THE LORD, Who walk in His ways, You SHALL eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you Shall be blessed, and it Shall be well with you. Thus Shall the the man be blessed who fears the LORD.....
May this bless you this very day and each day to come...God bless you in your walk with Him......tom
Well this is just one of the biggest deceptions that has been spoken through out my life there is no such thing as luck. God allows and Satan takes advantage of our weaknesses.Those weaknesses most likely caused by ourselves not walking in the word. Once we learn how powerful Gods word is and we begin to rely and trust in His word,then we see the doors of life thrown open before us.So learn to seek His will for you each day,one day @ a time and be consistent in your will to seek Him first. No it isn't easy but we can do it! We set in motion Gods actions the moment we start to pray,start each day with prayer and watch the doors open. [ PS.127:1-2 ] " We labor in vain, unless the Lord watches over us,It is vain to rise up early and go to rest late, eating the bread of anxious toil ( tossing and turning all night ).He gives sleep to the beloved. As we learn to trust,delight in, and obey Gods word we will develop a KNOWING trust of Gods ability to carry our load. For He said "BLESSED IS EVERYONE WHO FEARS THE LORD, Who walk in His ways, You SHALL eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you Shall be blessed, and it Shall be well with you. Thus Shall the the man be blessed who fears the LORD.....
May this bless you this very day and each day to come...God bless you in your walk with Him......tom
Saturday, March 3, 2012
PROVERBS, a voice calling in the wilderness.
Practical wisdom for living, For the person seeking GOD with all their heart, we are told that the beginning and essence of wisdom is the FEAR of the LORD. (PR.1:7 ),[ "is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."some say, ''come with us, let us lie in wait for blood; let us ambush the innocent without reason; we shall swallow them alive (the rich). We will find all their precious goods,and fill our own houses with plunder;throw in your own lot with us ,we will have one purse!!! My son hold back your foot from their paths,for they run to evil,these men lie in wait to shed blood. But the ambush they set is for their own lives (OWS). Such is the way of everyone who is greedy for unjust gain;it takes away the life of its possessors. Wisdom cries aloud in the street, How long will you delight in being simple, how long will delight in scoffing at Gods word. If today you will hear I will make my words known to you. Because I have called and you refuse to listen,you have ignored all my counsel, I will laugh at your calamity when it comes as a whirlwind and distress and anguish come upon you..Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord.Who ever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease without dread of disaster.... Pick up your bible and begin to learn the meaning of true wisdom,start in Proverbs 1 And read with care......today if you can hear!!!! In His Love ....tom
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
" Life is not a coincidence,but a mirror of your own doings"
What is your meditation day or night, do we forget His precepts, which have given us life. Lord I make your precepts the meditation of my heart,for your commandments make me wiser than my enemies.How sweet are your words to my taste,sweeter than honey to my mouth. Through your precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way. I incline my heart to perform your statues forever to the end. I am your servant; give me understanding,that I may know your testimonies. Your words are greater than gold or fine silver they are life to those who will incline their heart to know the truth which will not soon depart. So now I ask to know the character* of your heart that I may learn to honor you my God,those who do not honor you as God will become futile in their thinking,and their foolish hearts will be darkened. Claiming to be wise,they became fools,and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Do we suppose,O man-we who judge those who practice such things and yet do them ourselves-that we will escape the judgement of GOD? Or do you presume on the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience not knowing that His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? So as time permits seek the Lord for soon and very soon we will stand before the judge. Abraham justified by faith, Peace with God through faith, So die to your sin, and come alive through the Son, Alive to God, this is His will for your life are you ready to make that commitment today? Live in the Spirit and Gods everlasting love,it 's all there just for you and all you need do is make up your mind. So today if you hear the words of the Lord do not harden your heart but ask and receive His love for you..... in His love to you .......tom
*-definition of character.
1-a distinctive trait,pattern of behavior or personality found in an individual,moral strength; self-discipline,fortitude,reputation to represent; portray....yes this is the Messiah..AMEN
*-definition of character.
1-a distinctive trait,pattern of behavior or personality found in an individual,moral strength; self-discipline,fortitude,reputation to represent; portray....yes this is the Messiah..AMEN
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"Patience,how willing are to WAIT"......
" He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from troubles " [ PROVERBS 21:23 ]...To live in Gods blessings, is to live in and through His word.When I started to learn about healing, it did not show it self miraculously.But slowly as I gathered His Word did I see the change come about.I didn't feel healed I knew I was HEALED,Jesus said so. Who was I going to believe, Jesus or the the odds of the world as seen by practicing doctors? I say I am a believer therefore I believe.Now what do I believe, every word of God from old to new testament shows the path we should learn to walk in. This is why the Lord wants us to stay in the word to put Him first and to seek His kingdom. The word went to work the moment I first believed and I don't want to choke it out by disbelief. [ Ezk.12:22-28 ],(God will speak it and perform it ) that is His word.Nothing compares to the promises of God.There are no words spoken by man under the sun that can dissuade the Lord from fulfilling His word. So now that you have planted the seed,don't tare up your crop. The next time you step out on faith,whether for healing,salvation for friends ,family,neighbors ,enemies,or any of thousands of ministries, hold to the word and remember>>>>We fulfill the LOVE of GOD in Christ Jesus through our love in GODS perfect SON.....Good reads [Rom12:9-21],[Prov.18:4-8,21],verse 21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue,and those who love it will eat it's FRUIT"... HE WHO HAS EARS,LET THEM HEAR.............IN CHRIST LOVE.....tom
Monday, February 20, 2012
Today if you should hear His voice, do not harden your heart! Christ was faithful over His fathers house as a son ( are we not sons ? ).And it is we who are now members of this house,and if we hold fast and firm to the end our joyful and exultant confidence and sense of triumph in our hope [in Christ ]. If today you hear His voice,( don't refuse to trust in,cleave to,and rely on Him ).So warn and encourage each other every day as long as it is called today. For if we have become followers and fellows with Christ and share in all He has for us, If only we hold our first newborn confidence and original assured expectation firm unshaken to the end. And to those who would not listen to His Word and refused to be persuaded they would not enter His rest. So our belief has allowed us to enter that rest because of trusting,relying, and believing that He is able to accomplish that which He was sent to do.Therefor draw near the to the throne of grace so that we may receive Mercy and Grace in our times of need......May the Lord Bless these words to your soul....in His Love...tom---good read [HEB.3:6-14,18-19 >>NUMBERS14:1-35 ]
Sunday, February 19, 2012
" Putting the word first"
This morning I arose to these words [" PUT THE WORD FIRST' ]. (Prov.4:5-6). whether your goal is to be the best you can be, Wisdom is the key. It is the wisdom that comes from the Lord, His word allowed to fill your entire being.not the the worlds wisdom but Gods word in you. If you remember the first commandment is to love God with all your heart. Jesus said " Seek ye first the kingdom of God".(Matt.6:33). So if you have made a commitment, and it won't be easy.Then take the word of God into your heart and move in the direction He has appointed you, take the Great Commission seriously. Put the word first and there will be great and glorious days ahead.....tom
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
EX.20:6---"But showing mercy and steadfast Love to a thousand generations of those who love me [GOD] and keep My commandments." In coming to the Lord I found that it was necessary for me to put (I) aside,to really love God is to place Him FIRST in ones life.Yet to many believers and followers are looking to move God into their useful puppet. I'm talking about believers that can remember tremendous amounts of scripture and speak it forth but have not the ability to place Gods love in front of their own actions. We become so busy trying to serve God we don't have time for people.One of the greatest miracles of love is when that love is released around you and to the people who surround you. Love is that power charge and Gods Power won't work without it! So today allow the power of Gods love to empower you, Set your heart on Jesus and follow His foot steps Gods Plan for you.But most important of all is learning to love one another [ sinner or His chosen] we all fall short. In this way we can make up our minds to allow Gods love to direct and guide us through all that we have to do. Then when we speak with authority of the WORD and speak in His name in the confidence of knowing His word will not return void. So today if you can hear,speak with LOVE and no fear;
for Christ in you is but a word away,so learn to love Gods way.
I suggest you read 1 COR.13:1-8,13 May the Love of God pass through you unto all that surround you......
In Christ love.....tom
for Christ in you is but a word away,so learn to love Gods way.
I suggest you read 1 COR.13:1-8,13 May the Love of God pass through you unto all that surround you......
In Christ love.....tom
Friday, February 10, 2012
"BAAL-perazim" [1CHRONICLES14:11 ]
3:13 am. AND HERE I AM, Awake and listening for the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT.." Punch a hole in the Dam"---Baal-perazim means (LORD of Breaking through). This morning as I prayed for a neighbor and friend Mike Hoover who has been in hospice home care the past several months,Truly asking for a total miraculous recovery of the cancer that has attacked his body,seeking the Lords will not my own but holding to the truth of His words,I again ask for deliverance for Mike.
This is how the scripture came across to me,His word(GODS) is like the the bursting forth of waters,it covers all that it flows about.As I reach out my hand in faith<I expect Gods word to burst forth like the waters (river of life flowing out of me);let loose from a broken dam.Punch one little hole in that dam and the pressure behind it will open it up and erode that (sin).So begin your breakthrough now Pray "LORD JESUS,I REJOICE THAT TODAY YOU ARE LORD OF MY BREAKTHROUGH,AND I AM THANKFUL THAT TODAY YOUR POWER IS ABOUT TO SWEEP OVER AND THROUGH MY LIFE AND MIKES LIFE TOO." Keep praying, believing, expecting, Don't give up that is what Satan wants you to do...God is the power behind you and waiting for you to unleash. So brothers and sisters lets GO and Gods will be done as you allow Him more and more room in your life....
This is how the scripture came across to me,His word(GODS) is like the the bursting forth of waters,it covers all that it flows about.As I reach out my hand in faith<I expect Gods word to burst forth like the waters (river of life flowing out of me);let loose from a broken dam.Punch one little hole in that dam and the pressure behind it will open it up and erode that (sin).So begin your breakthrough now Pray "LORD JESUS,I REJOICE THAT TODAY YOU ARE LORD OF MY BREAKTHROUGH,AND I AM THANKFUL THAT TODAY YOUR POWER IS ABOUT TO SWEEP OVER AND THROUGH MY LIFE AND MIKES LIFE TOO." Keep praying, believing, expecting, Don't give up that is what Satan wants you to do...God is the power behind you and waiting for you to unleash. So brothers and sisters lets GO and Gods will be done as you allow Him more and more room in your life....
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
This morning around 4 am, I awoke to hearing how the economy was really improving.What a laugh,Improving HA! When Chevy dealers are refusing to place VOLT cars on their lots because they don't sell, when the trillions of dollars spent on shovel ready Jobs that never were, and when we see the money flowing to government influence peddling and cronyism, Yes this is what Americans have to look forward to...But Gods word reveals that it is He that controls He sets and appoints those in the seat of government,leaders in the private sectors. Yes our God Reigns,So let us stop to ponder this....Heavens economy (COL.12-13)" giving thanks unto the Father...Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son." Where do you think God is going to get the resources to meet your needs??Why should we limit God just because of the failed purposes of men.When our faith fails does God? Don't be troubled by shortages, scarcities and the economy on this earth, stop wondering how God is going to bless you in the face of all this.Here is some
goood news, which should help turn around those thoughts. God says we have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. We are not citizens of the planet earth, no we are citizens of the kingdom of God, The word says He will meet our needs according to His riches in glory.(PHIL.4:19) So start to live in heavens economy where there is more than enough,this is believing receiving and trust that He is able to deliver,rely on Gods word not the words of men.wake up to the abundance in Gods word, we have been taken from poverty to abundance so rejoice, Heavens unlimited resources have been made available to you!!!READ [Psalm105:37-45]
goood news, which should help turn around those thoughts. God says we have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son. We are not citizens of the planet earth, no we are citizens of the kingdom of God, The word says He will meet our needs according to His riches in glory.(PHIL.4:19) So start to live in heavens economy where there is more than enough,this is believing receiving and trust that He is able to deliver,rely on Gods word not the words of men.wake up to the abundance in Gods word, we have been taken from poverty to abundance so rejoice, Heavens unlimited resources have been made available to you!!!READ [Psalm105:37-45]
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