Thursday, December 22, 2011

" Be WORD OF GOD CENTERED",Not problem centered!

This morning @2am awakened and not able to fall back asleep,I got up to read the the word and found my self in my devotional which was leading me to 2KINGS 7:1-20.And this is what the Lord showed me.
   No matter how bad the problem I'm facing today or how severe the circumstances maybe,I can be out of them in 24 hrs. You say that is impossible or might not be the will of God! But Gods will is revealed to us through scripture so see how the word leads to victory in all circumstances Gods will be done. It was four lepers that fulfilled Gods word to Elisha the prophet. So when we get problem centered we start feeling sorry for ourselves, and the pity party begins,which ends in defeat. I believe that Satan is behind every sin and problem in the world,and to defeat sin,poverty,sickness and disease, wars and  rumors of wars and everything that leads to destruction is for Gods people to shod their feet with the gospel.[read Eph.6:9-19 ] Be prepared for the battle.
when I look back at the garden and see how God had created heaven on earth an when Adam/Eve gave into temptation which brought forth the curse.But we don't need to live under that curse,For the blood that was shed at Calvary brought forth redemption.God has given us His word( JESUS) His promises of victory,His promise of overcoming,so get angry @ the devil and sin,sickness,poverty,and rise up to fight the good fight with the armor of God and the promises He gave us.They are all contained in the book of life THE HOLY Christ love.......tom

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tom, I have just managed to become a follower of your blog. I am extremely green on the internet, but I am determined to learn no matter how slowly it happens. I have just read this post and love the way that you believe all things are possible with God, and how the word is capable of bringing into existance that which does not exist. As I am not on the internet at home yet,and at the moment come down to the library to use it my time on my blog is limited and so am not able to read as many blog posts as I would like. However, I hope to go onto the Internet at home soon and that will make things easier. God bless you and keep you. Brenda
