Thursday, December 22, 2011

" Be WORD OF GOD CENTERED",Not problem centered!

This morning @2am awakened and not able to fall back asleep,I got up to read the the word and found my self in my devotional which was leading me to 2KINGS 7:1-20.And this is what the Lord showed me.
   No matter how bad the problem I'm facing today or how severe the circumstances maybe,I can be out of them in 24 hrs. You say that is impossible or might not be the will of God! But Gods will is revealed to us through scripture so see how the word leads to victory in all circumstances Gods will be done. It was four lepers that fulfilled Gods word to Elisha the prophet. So when we get problem centered we start feeling sorry for ourselves, and the pity party begins,which ends in defeat. I believe that Satan is behind every sin and problem in the world,and to defeat sin,poverty,sickness and disease, wars and  rumors of wars and everything that leads to destruction is for Gods people to shod their feet with the gospel.[read Eph.6:9-19 ] Be prepared for the battle.
when I look back at the garden and see how God had created heaven on earth an when Adam/Eve gave into temptation which brought forth the curse.But we don't need to live under that curse,For the blood that was shed at Calvary brought forth redemption.God has given us His word( JESUS) His promises of victory,His promise of overcoming,so get angry @ the devil and sin,sickness,poverty,and rise up to fight the good fight with the armor of God and the promises He gave us.They are all contained in the book of life THE HOLY Christ love.......tom

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thinking back,what is ahead?

As this day unfolded and after  having my second treatment of radiation I pondered on these words of the Lord. Stop toiling and doing and producing for the food that perishes and decomposes  [ in the using ], but strive and work and produce rather for [ lasting ] food which endures [ continually ] unto life eternal; the son of man will give (furnish) you that, for God the Father has authorized and certified and put His seal of endorsement upon Him. [ what are we to do to carry out what God requires? ] Jesus replies, This is the work (service) that God ask of you: that you believe in the one, whom He has sent [that you cleave to,trust, rely on, and have faith in His messenger.] Then I ask what miracle will you perform as a sign so that I may see and believe and rely on and adhere to you. For our forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness as the scripture says, He gave them bread out of heaven to eat. And Jesus said, It is My Father Who gives you the true heavenly Bread. For the Bread of God is He Who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world. And Jesus said, I Am the Bread of Life. And he who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes,trust,and cleaves to Me will never thirst any more. But as I told you .....I have come down from heaven not to do My will and purpose but to do the will of My Father Who sent me. And know this no one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to to come to Me. ISAIAH 54:13, "And all your (SPIRITUAL) children shall be disciples [ taught by the Lord and obedient to His will ], great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall show to be in the wrong, this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Blessed, happy, and fortunate is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold of it and binds himself fast to it......and keeps his hand from doing any evil. This is what lays ahead to those who seek with all their heart and soul to love God and to please Him by following His WORD [JESUS]....May the Lord touch your heart and open your His Love....tom

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hearken to the Lord, You who follow after righteousness and justice. look to Abraham your father,I have blessed him and made him many."O" people of the Lord,LISTEN,LISTEN for a divine law has gone forth from the LORD. He will establish justice for light to the people.Gods righteousness is near,His salvation is going forth and His arm shall rule the people,and on His arm we shall trust and hope.Lift up your eyes, for the Heavens shall be dissolved and vanish away like smoke.But His salvation shall be forever,His righteousness and justice shall not be abolished. LISTEN you who know righteousness and justice and right standing with GOD,the people whose heart is GODS law,and instruction: fear not the reproach of men,neither be afraid, for in comparison to the LORD they are so weak that things as insignificant as a moth shall eat them up like a garment,and the worm shall eat them as wool. His faithfully fulfilled promise Shall be forever and His salvation is to all generations.And the redeemed of the LORD shall return and come singing to Zion,and ever lasing joy shall be upon their heads. For I am the LORD your GOD, who rebukes and restrains, the Lord of Host is my name.And I will put the words in your mouth and cover you in the shadow of my hand, that I may fix the new heavens as a tabernacle and lay the foundations of a new earth and say to Zion,YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. The cup of My wrath you shall drink no more.For I will put this into the hands of your tormentors and oppressors, those who have said bow down that we may ride or tread over you: and you have made your back like the ground and the street for them to pass over.....Now awake and shake off the dust and realize who you are in CHRIST JESUS..........for from this day forward you who are Mine shall have no fear for I am the GOD that helps you,therefore  set your face as a flint and know that you will not be put to shame...Who will contend with us, Let us stand together  and go forth by word and deed....................PRAISE THE LORD.................tom

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Isn't it interesting how today they occupy what some call evil capitalism! When we should be fighting the evil forces with the WORD of GOD. EPHESIANS 6:13-17 explains to us as Christians how we should prepare for this battle.Gods Word says to be able to withstand in the evil day, prepare with the gospel.So just how prepared are we to face the evil of the day? Occupy is a military term meaning to hold possession,or control,of a of conquered troops and territory. To do this effectively,most of us are going to have to change our attitudes.      We need to recognize that  JESUS has already won the victory. We are not on the defensive Satan is!! SO NOW PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD,now he is not able to withstand our offence and he(Satan) will flee...
Don't neglect any of the armor we have been given.Wear it all and keep him on the defensive----OCCUPY TILL JESUS RETURNS. LUKE 12:34-44, Vs.35> "Keep your loins girded and your lamps burning...(for GODS WORD IN AND ABOUT YOU IS TRUTH,and truth will prevail!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

"when the pressure is on"

Have you ever noticed that those who have the most exciting,faith-inspiring testimonies are those who have been under pressure at some time in there lives.These are the people who stayed faithful when the pressure was on.They walked in the knowledge of His word and believed, trusted and faithfully walked in His promises.When this question arises in you,[ Well God why did you let this happen to me? ] Its time to step back and evaluate the situation.When tough times seem to hang on and the situation your in does not seem to improve it is time to get into the word and find the promises of God to handle it.If you don't reevaluate yourself and look to see where you have gone astray the problem will persist. So now ask God (God i don't know what is wrong here and I am asking you to show me),one thing  I know is that the problem is not with you,So I will continue to be moved not by circumstances,but by your promises. So I want to encourage you to stand on the word of God, for He is able to deliver you, so keep honoring Him with the words of your mouth...[" when the going gets tough,the tough in God get going"'] A great read Psalm 62....your friend in Christ........tom

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Teach me O Lord

Have you ever been in a place of thought were your thinking seems to go awry? When considering Gods word for your walk and wondering why you are not receiving the path to follow. This to me is the race that I am running,to win is to understand how to run the course and find those solutions to getting to the end in due time.The time is now and the solutions are Gods laws and statutes.Keeping our thoughts and desires on His word will continually renew our minds to His will in our life.Each day is a new day in His will for us, so each day as we consider His word we are renewed to His will for us.So today I am seeing this in Psalms119:33-36.> I see understanding that He wants us to follow with our whole heart the path of His commandments,inclining our hearts to His testimonies and not to covet.For our God is mighty to the tearing down of strongholds of evil and the spiritual forces that come against us.He is able..Hebrews12:1-7>[ we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who bear testimony to the truth,so strip off and throw aside every encumbrance ,unnecessary weight,and that sin which so readily and cleverly clings to and entangles us. So let us run with patience and steady and active persistence the appointed course that is set before us.Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus,who is the leader and the source of our faith{THE WORD} He who endured for us, so that we too could come to the fullness of knowing Gods grace and mercy,So now forget not His divine Word of appeal and encouragement in which we are addressed as sons.And if sons than able to submit and endure correction.That correction which is found through the word of God. I leave you with this thought....Who are you in Christ Jesus, and what race are you running?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


DUET.6:5 says "You shall love the Lord thy God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being and with all your might."Is this possible? After all this is the first commandment and if God has asked us to do this than it must be possible,because he said this to the Jew first in vs.7:7 "and the Lord did not set His love upon you and choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the fewest of all." Vs.8 " but because the Lord Loves you and because He would keep the oath which He had sworn to your fore fathers,the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bondage,from the hand of Pharaoh of king of Egypt. Vs.9 "Know,Recognize, and Understand therefore that the Lord your God, HE IS GOD.,the faithful God, who keeps covenant and stead fast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.Vs.10 " He will repay them that hate Him....Vs.13"And He will love you,and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your body and the fruit of your land,your grain,new wine and oil (your work)your coming and your going, You shall be blessed above all peoples.............How than can we say is it NOT possible, it is possible, for like Abraham who was ready to sacrifice Issac, his first born,because of his love and faithfulness to the Lord, proved himself worthy of Gods love; therefore God sent His son but did not spare Him for the love He had for us. How can I not love so great a God who would give His only begotten Son for me.God who sends us His word so that we can gain eternal life with Him through His Son who died for us. Yes it is easy to see why love can so easily be returned to a father that loves me as He does.
    I counted the word love more than 60 times in the Old testament,and I haven't even started in the new. Think about how we use the word love in our daily lives,I LOVE you,I LOVE ice cream,.steak and potatoes, fruits and vegetables,sex,pets,animals, flowers and the world. Is there anything we really can't find to love? Unfortunately it usually is God.We say all roads lead to God,yes this is true,but to Gods judgement,How will you speak for yourself  when He asks of you about His Son,what reply will come forth from your heart?.....something to ponder,Oh yes you can say there is no God as many do,but life ends and you will be accountable.....So I say to you,seek and you shall find,ask and it will be revealed to you,He is waiting!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

" Have you heard THE SONG: LOVE TRAIN......

The LOVE TRAIN is a blessing for all nations. Abraham after receiving  Gods call undergirded  by his faith in the  covenant promise Of God. A man of faith and prayer a friend of God (2CHON.20:7).His greatest attribute was his determination to be obedient to God,what ever the cost. This obedience brought God's blessing upon him: (1) he became the patriarch of the nations,(2) he entered the Promised Land (3) he became the bestower of blessing upon all the nations.If you read GEN.12:1-3.>VV.4-6>HEB.11:8>GEN.15:6;18:23-33;22:1-18.We are the continuation of that blessing, yes the USA, look at all the Nations through out history who failed to bless Israel and where they are? Can we still save or turn America back to ("One Nation Under GOD") or has the Majority finally been silenced !! The true LOVE TRAIN is allowing God to reveal His LOVE to all through His followers and  walking in His (AGAPE) Love, truly showing our forgiveness and our Love for the sinner and understanding how to Show that Gods mercy is for all. I have found this to be the most difficult to attain to.But as I seek out more and more of Gods word,not only is He gracious,righteous and merciful He preserves the simple: I was brought low,and he helped ME. I will walk with the Lord in the land of the living,and call upon his name to deliver those He has brought into my path.I will proclaim this day that the Lord has made......Now will you get on His Love train and begin a journey that will never end? If you do, call aloud for He will hear you and will lead you to His still waters ( PS.23 ).Be an instrument of the Lord,He is the potter we are the clay, so start by renewing your mind in the word of GOD .Put it first the whole day thru and see what God will do for you....IN HIS LOVE...tom

Friday, October 28, 2011

How firm a foundation

This is a tribute to the LORD,what he has completed for us and given to us.This is public domain,And I am using it to praise the Lord.
     "How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord,is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
      What more can He say than to you He hath said,To you ,who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
      Fear not;I am with thee,O be  not dis-mayed,For I am thy God and will still give thee aid.
      I'll strengthen and help thee,and cause thee to stand,Up held by my gracious omnipotent hand.
      When through the deep waters I call thee to go,The rivers of sorrow shall not over flow;
      For I will be with thee thy trials to bless,And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
      When through fiery trials thy path way shall lie,My grace all sufficient,shall be thy supply.
      The flames shall not hurt thee;I only design Thy dross to consume,and thy gold to refine."
Oh yes how great His glory divine,to know that Jesus is mine........                                             

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"call unto me,and I will answer thee,and show thee great and mighty things"..."

Don,t depend on guess work when you need help.Who do you go to first,your partner,pastor,friend,or GOD... [1CHRON.14:8-17] When faced with a problem King David sought the Lord for the answers,we to have a great king seated at the right hand of our father and we can ask in His name and receive answers. How much more can we ask of our God in Heaven. His word will never return void,so go to him and find out exactly what He wants you to do. Go to Him and and say Lord what are your plans, not my will but your will be done.After all His plans are already Blessed and if we follow them victory is assured,guaranteed and completed. In Hebrews 4:12 says "The word of God is quick,and powerful,and sharper than any 2 edge sword,piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,and the joints and marrow,and is a discerner of THOUGHTS and INTENT OF THE HEART. A plan without the word of God is dead.Dead things don't work. Every plan ever devised,no matter how clever(Bernie Madoff  comes to mind) it sounds,or how good it looks on paper without God,who gives the increase is doomed to fail. We have the right to choose which plan to follow,Mans ( carnal ) or Gods ( Spiritual ). Jesus said in Mark10:27 "With men it is impossible,but with God all things are possible." So when faced with problems  make a wise decision and seek the Lord first, one is a blessing the other is a curse. Jeremiah 17:5 says it best,"cursed be the man that trusteth in man,and maketh flesh his arm,and whose heart departeth from THE LORD. Vs.7 says "BLESSED is the man who trusts the LORD,and whose hope the Lord is. I find that money is not the answer to social problems,Gods word is the answer.Not politicians or government or man but the uncompromised word of GOD. THE BLESSING OF GOD IS THE ONLY PLACE TO your ears to His word and receive His Blessing today....IN His Love.......tom

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Choose Life....

As i was reading my daily devotional it struct me how I find myself so busy that it is easy to neglect the word.So today a lesson to behold,Jesus is the living word and this is the time to take hold of the word and allow it to roll over in your thoughts.Remember when Martha  was busy with preparing diner and she went to Jesus to complain that her sister Mary was not helping ,and then asked that Jesus would tell her to help her.His reply was this;Martha you are troubled by many things,anxious about much [do you find your self that way] .But Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away.What portion have you chosen(the world or the Word). refresh your mind and read Luke10:39-42.then seek wisdom from Romans8:5-13,Hope that never disappoints!The mind is of flesh but the Spirit is the issues of Life.The everyday or carnal thoughts keep us away from the life giving words of God each day,caught up in what we perceive to be answers and solutions for our day to day problems rather than roll those cares on to the Lord.We forget that He is able to handle all those cares and has given us The Spirit to over come the world and its problems.So Martha chose to cook and prepare the meal,all the while forgetting how Jesus fed the five thousand. Simply put Mary chose to listen and glean the words of life.What will  chose the carnal solution (worldly thoughts),So when you are confronted with choices which will you chose? Chose the life of the Spirit or chose death of the world,as for me I chose life in the Spirit.So my friends don't live according to the dictates of the flesh for you will surely die, But through the power of the Holy Spirit put those things to death which are of the carnal mind (evil deeds prompted by your mind) and rely on the word of God to hold you, for from those words flow the issues of life;both Physical and Spiritual they are to the tearing down of evil strong holds...For the Spirit you have received is not to slavery or bondage but to freedom through Gods Word.And with this I cry ABBA FATHER!!!............IN CHRIST LOVE......tom

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"DIVISION STUNTS OUR GROWTH"pause to think about this!

1Cor.3:1-3 Am I carnal or am I spiritual? A house divided can not stand.Satan has sent a spirit of division among us these days and it showed  during the debates last knight. He knows that dividing a house against it's self will cause it to fall.He also knows that in unity there is strength.We can  look at the division in our political structure (GOP) and the unity in the (Dems).We destroy what is good by allowing personal attacks to get in the way.Now lets us apply that to the body of Christ,we call ourselves Christians.Yet we divide our ministries by denominations all the while forgetting the first commandment>"Love God with all your heart" know that what He says will come to fruition, and He sent His son to fulfill His word. So can if we put aside our divisions of religiosity,and unite in the body of Christ. Putting Him first and forsaking all others?Can we love God first and put mans doctrines behind? Do we see how the USA is being torn apart as God lifts His Hand and removes His Blessing form us.Is it to late to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness for our transgressions.WE are not a Godly nation,many say they believe in god,but do not read or believe the Bible.We only Have eyes for what we covet for ourselves, Yes we are selfish for we want only that which satisfies our lust and our will. So then we will reap what we have sown.Division,we will fall...........

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This is what I want!

'"Bless the Lord,O my soul,and forget not all His BENEFITS: Who forgives all thine iniquities; who heals all your diseases;who redeemed your life from destruction; who crowned you with loving kindness and tender mercies; Who satifies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."[ Ps.103:2-5]  I asked my self, is there a divine purpose behind the bad things that happen in my life? Is sickness and disease and calamities I experience a part of Gods plan for me? I have to know the answer to these questions , I need to settle them once and for all. If I suspect that God is the source of my misfortunes,then why should I believe Him for deliverance. If He brought this upon me then why would He heal me? By healing me wouldn't I be opposing His Will! Therefore I must be absolutely sure that He is a good God,and that His will is for my health,prosperity and happiness, not poverty,sickness,sadness,or sorrow.So i went to the scriptures and this is what I found. His faithfulness from generation to generation,His mercy and loving-kindness shall be built up forever,unchangeable and perpetual.Heaven will praise His wonders and His faithfulness,Gods faithfulness is a part of Him at all times.The heavens and the earth are all yours, you established all things,man,animals,and all living creatures.Righteousness, are the foundation of your throne loving-kindness and truth go be for your face.Blessed,happy,fortunate are we who know and understand your spiritual blessings symbolized by the feasts.In your righteousness we are exalted and we rejoice all day.For you are my shield the Holy one of Israel.So i will not allow tradition or any word that tries to exalt its self above His word be used against me.In Exod.15:26,He is the LORD who heals you,Keep and obey His commandments and see the grace and mercy that will deliver you.Discover for yourself that He is the God of mercy( Ps.86:5). The God of loving kindness ( Jer.9:24) who practices judgement and righteousness,and loving-kindness in the earth.For in these things He delights,so says the LORD. So start today which I have Found to Be truth, and the Living Way,Seek first the kingdom,the word and the life through Gods way,not your own will but His will be done............May God Bless These words to your Heart,Mind and Soul..In His love........tom

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"The lord is my Shepard"

This is a composite  of Gods word taken  from the Book of Psalms,My hope is that it becomes a blessing to you and may be a guide to entering His courts with Praise.  Begin in Psalms 23 and read the first and last verses in all the Psalms up to Psalm 33,I'm using the AMPLIFIED BIBLE.....So read on and enjoy!! Or use your own Bible, start here:: The Lord is my Shepard [ to feed, guide, and shield me].I shall not lack> Surely or only goodness, mercy,and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life,and through the length of my days the house of the Lord (and His presence) shall be my dwelling place; The Earth is the Lord's,and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it> Who is [HE then] this King of glory?The Lord of hosts,He is the King of glory;Unto you,O Lord,do I bring  my life>Redeem Israel, O God,out all their troubles; Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity; I have [ expectantly ] trusted in, leaned on, and relied on the Lord without wavering and I shall not slide>My foot stands on an even place; in the congregations will I bless the Lord; The Lord is my Light and my Salvation-whom shall I fear or dread?The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?> Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring.Yes wait and hope for and Expect the Lord; Unto you do I cry, O Lord my Rock,be not deaf and silent to me,lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those going down to the pit  (GRAVE )>Save your people and bless your heritage; nourish and shepherd them and carry them for ever; ASCRIBE TO the Lord, O sons of the mighty,ascribe to the Lord glory and strength>The Lord will give [ unyielding and impenetrable ] strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace; I will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up and not let my foes rejoice over me> To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to you and not be silent. O Lord my God,I will give thanks to You forever; In You, O Lord, do I put my trust and seek refuge; let me never be put to shame or [ have my hope in you ]disappointed; deliver me in Your righteousness!>Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for and hope for and EXPECT the Lord!; Blessed              ( happy,fortunate,to be envied) is he who has forgiveness of his transgression and continually exercised upon him,whose sin is covered.> Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you ( uncompromisingly ) righteous ( you who are upright and in right standing with Him); Shout for joy,all you up right [ in heart.];>Let Your mercy and-kindness,O Lord,be upon us,in proportion to our waiting and hoping for you... The power and authority of His Word,is meant to bless us and keep us, and now to those who can receive and believe may He keep you always safely in His LOVE>>> 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Prepare for persecution.

This day after the attack on Romney's religion,I find myself coming to the defense of the man.As a confessing Christian I don't look @ the man through religious eyes,but by his actions and the words he speaks.I find in my prayer time that I personally seek the Lord to allow men of faith to arise and lead our country.To be able to separate my thoughts as a believer an to realize that it is not my will but the Lords.What I sense is that Obama calls himself a christian but to me is not following the teachings of Christianity. But he is ruling from the dictates of his heartfelt convictions.Though I don't agree with them my function is to pray for our leaders and our country.I don't claim I know the total will of GOD but I do see His hand in the placement of all presidents through out history.When Our Constitution separates church and state even though we claim "IN GOD WE TRUST", IT DOES NOT CALL FOR A CHURCH RUN STATE.We are a nation of many faiths and also have the freedom to chose the direction we decide to walk in.Our duty as I see it is for us to pray and seek the Lord, His guidance and wisdom,whether we believe or not God is in control. Because we attack men either with faith or not we miss the the teaching of The Lords command to LOVE one another,(!COR.12&13).To pray for those who spitefully abuse you.Be prepared for the persecutions that are about to be fall you.As we see the press and our secular society mount up charges of prejudice,homophobia,and anything they can conjure up to try and attack and disparage our beliefs.Please realize that the warfare is against spiritual wickedness in high places not against those who are being miss guided or used to bring about Gods will.Yes we are in the last days and though we fail to see the hand of God @ work let us not fail to pray "GODS WILL BE DONE"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is the power of prayer?

This morning I awoke with a heavy heart about our nation.After writing to my pastor I find myself praying for revival in America.In Mark 9:18 Jesus confronts a demon controlled man and the people there had asked the disciples to cast it out,but they were unable to.Jesus has given us the power to do this but He also tells us why we don't see it coming into fruition.We lack the power of prayer,listen it is through the power of prayer that our faith really begins to take effect.If we want power to touch the world,our nation and peoples lives for Christ we must spend time with the source of that power Jesus Christ through prayer.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Dare to Decide"

Today after a week end with my wife and sister in law,Who out of the Love in her heart came to visit us and with a purpose to serve during this time of trial. I have discovered  though we don't have the same political views a common thread of caring, and love does more to bind us together in the spirit of Gods Love. This weekend I discovered how the power of Praise can change all conditions around us.As we became tourist in our home state of Washington, taking time to see the sights and smells of this beautiful state, as we traveled from Pikes mrkt to Bainbridge Island and on back to Bonney Lake,My thoughts on how will I reflect the love we have for her and family. It's amazing how God can bring peace and harmony into every situation.When Sunday morning arrived for her departure I felt like we were losing a light that had come into lives to show us that we all can be tied together even if there are differences of opinions. I find it is the fruit of our lips that contain the sweet as well as the bitter,so speak the words of honey as they are life to our souls.So may this day be the first day of sweetness and may it continually flow from our lips out of the depth of our soul.Gods grace is beyond my greatest expectations and He alone can fulfill the desires of our hearts.Exodus 8:10>"BE ACCORDING TO THY WORD" Pay attention to His words for  they will revolutionize your life and your world....In His LOVE......Tom    PS>He inhabits the praises of HIS people.......

Thursday, September 29, 2011


EXODUS 8:10 [BE IT ACCORDING TO THY WORD ] The Lord shows us that daring to decide is our ability to over come fear. Don't worry about making a decision for GOD,Don't be afraid to step out on faith and think that you might fail.Realize that it is GODS power not yours or mine that that carries the load.The truth of GODS word is us paying attention to it.This will revolutionize our lives,the truth carries an awesome responsibility with it.It is the RIGHT,the PRIVILEGE,and the POWER to decide where you will spend eternity,this is left in our hands.And if we decide on GOD He will back us 100 percent and no devil can take that power from you.God has provided the the power,His name,the blood of Jesus and the kingdom of GOD and made us partakers of it.( COL.1:12 ) He won't force us to believe that's our decision,GOD will always be there to make sure His word is never void.Read (ROMANS4:13-21) V21>Be fully assured That GOD is able to keep HIS WORD and do what he has promised.READ (Leviticus 16:2,HEBREWS 9:7-15,22-28 ) Hope and assurance of HIS word is the steadfast anchor of our soul.Hope is  the certainty of His presence. may GOD BLESS THESE WORDS TO YOUR MIND ,BODY AND SOUL.In His LOVE.....tom

Monday, September 26, 2011


Why is it that the Jew can accept faith in Buddha,Hindu gods,and any other god except the Son of God.They run from scripture like the mighty waters recede from the shore.they deafen the ears to the sound of Messiah,they fear the one who out of His love gave his life for all mankind.Why is it they won't speak His name?Or ask why he proclaimed to be truth and the only way unto the Father! Is there so much fear that if what he has proclaimed is true that they might have to ask forgiveness?Why is forgiveness seen as a weakness and not as strength,and why do we walk in the opposite direction of Gods word. Do we fear that God is not truly telling us the truth about the future of mankind.Are we so scared of truth that we fabricate lies to keep us deceived from truth.These are but a few of the question that i ponder as i seek the God of Abraham,Issac and Jacob,as i read scripture and see those life giving words unfold before me,Yes i'm studying to show myself approved so when the time comes to meet my maker i too will proclaim He is LORD.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Live in the Blessing"

The words we speak can be a curse or a blessing,you choose! Gods words are life, all others..............Matthew6:33 says( But seek first His kingdom and righteousness,and all these things will be given you as well.) Put GODS word first in every area of your life.Matt6:10 ( Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done in earth,as it is in heaven.) I pray,"Father, your kingdom come,Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." John13:34 ( A new command I give unto you: Love one another,As i have loved you,so you MUST love one another.)I obey Jesus' law of love.LOVE created his kingdom and my life,and His love will never fail.In Jesus i have placed all my hope,and my future is bright!!!I live by faith in is the substance of my wonderful life..I seek first your kingdom of faith,hope and is here now,and it is mine.....SO i testify now in Jesus name that you must no longer live as heathens in the perverseness of their minds( folly,vanity,and emptiness of their souls.) But now rise up,in the renewing of your mind,heart and soul,with moral understanding.No longer alienated or banished from God because of willful blindness or insensitivity to GODS WORD,But know that as you walk in His word you grow in His word,the blessings of the Lord will follow you all the days of your life, on Gods  green earth..The truth is in Gods word so be still and worship the GOD of your salvation He will protect you and guide you into all truth. So my friends continue in the grace of God and His Blessings for you. YOUR FRIEND IN CHRIST

Saturday, September 10, 2011


What a great read, this former manager of Apple Records opens his heart to all who care to see the 60's,his experience in coming to know the lord and his steps in growing.Yes  Ken Mansfield takes you on a journey worth reading.I two can almost touch the golden lining of Gods Heaven.In the stillness of His word,the silence of His Spirit,and the quickening of His love about us.Yes my Bodega is Gods WORD. THANK YOU KEN ,you opened a door of my heart, we are brothers in the LORD.................

Thursday, September 8, 2011


This day brings me to Deuteronomy 28:1-13,The blessings of obedience will always follow Gods WORD.As we learn to speak His word we can see the reality of that word coming into being.When we decide to believe Gods word as truth and not doubt that he can fulfill that which he has said that brings forth the issues of life,for we wrestle not with flesh,but spiritual warfare,Evil spirits that are in the world but unseen by human eyes.Our fight is not with man but the evil forces that rule in mans heart.So be not deceived know full well God is in control and if we would take a step back maybe than we can see His arm being extended towards us.Our ability to allow God to move is to know His Word and loose it in the world around us.Be the one to move on His word and see the hand of God move to free you from the bondage of this world. Plant seeds of faith and they will grow beyond what you can imagine!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


The gospel(pill) A great read,and time well spent. Brings healing to the soul,body ,and mind.There has not been a day gone by that the Lord has failed to fill my heart with joy and hope.His presence is with me 24/7, what more can I say.Thank you Lord for making it so easy to walk with you,and knowing I can depend on you at all times.thank you for your grace,love and companionship.You never leave me alone even when I fail to acknowledge you. I feel your presence in a room full of laughter,or in the silence of my thoughts. You alone are God, and I am grateful that I can come before you with a thankful heart.Tonight I'm reading Proverbs4:1-2,20-27,excellent advice for the child of God

Will one world government be the answer?

The greatest record of history through the ages is  the Holy Bible ,old and new testament outlines what is about to fall on our world today.From Genesis to Revelations, if we take the time to read and ask questions we  will find the answers to the greatest questions regarding our world and the times we live in.From beginning to end we our on a collision  course towards eternity.Where are you going even after 80 or 90 years of life? What will one world government bring about,who is this one person who will lead the world and control your lives?Who will be able to buy and sell? Will we now all be equal and share and share alike.Can we have the freedoms of the past even to speak what is in our hearts,or only that which is allowed by our new found leader.There are many more questions to ponder....So ask your self is there really a GOD, who cares? And if so, is he the God of the HOLY BIBLE. Will the Jews Messiah return ? Is he close at hand,is our moral decadence the cause of the collapse of our society and freedoms,has mans intelligence and freedoms turned us into (I AM) and there is no other.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


[1TIM2:1-2] During tumultuous times prayer is what we need.Desperately we are in need of Gods intervention and guidance.If we as Gods people and called by his name,will humble ourselves and pray,He will hear us.Don't be over whelmed by the problems we see.I ask ,how can our prayers affect foreign policy,our national debt,and so forth,in other words what good is prayer?Realize how effective our prayers are,they are POWERFUL TO THE TEARING DOWN OF PRINCIPALITIES OF  DARKNESS.Realize no President,no congress,no kings or princes can overthrow Gods purposes For His people.He has commanded us to pray for the nations,so don't estimate the world changing POWER of prayer.
A word to our nation(and any nation you may be in)
    Hear this you who have loved pleasure and are given to it,you who dwell safely and sit securely in it,who say in your mind I am and there is no one else besides me.This shall come upon you,in spite of the multitude of  power that was given you.Evil spirits who assist you ,enchantments,the wickedness you have trusted in because you say no one has seen! Your knowledge has led you astray as you have said in your heart and mind I AM,and there is no other besides me. Therefore evil will come upon you;and you will not recognize the dawning our how to charm it away.Disaster and evil will fall upon you and you will not be able to atone for it.As you persist in your wickedness,your enchantments(pleasures),and sorcery.See if you will profit,soon you will weary from your plans and councilors.So call upon your astrologers,star gazers,and monthly prognosticators ask them to make known to you the things that will come to pass.They can not even deliver themselves from the power of Hell,much less our nation.No one will save you,each one will go his own way.
  Hear this O Israel,O Nations Who come forth from the seed of Judah,you who swear by the name of the LORD but not in truth and sincerity nor in righteousness(right standing with GOD).I have declared from the beginning the former things which happened in times past to Israel; they went forth from my mouth and made them known,then suddenly I did them,and they came to pass.Therefore I have declared these things to come to you from times past I have announced to you from old.You have heard,and now you will see the fulfillment.And still you will not bear witness to it? I show you specified new things,hidden things,which you have not known.They are created and now called into being by the prophetic word.Before today you have never heard of them,lest you should say, I knew them! Listen to me,I AM the first I AM the last.My hands laid out the foundations of the earth and the heavens.There is no peace for the wicked.Thus says the LORD,Redeemer of Israel.The HOLY ONE who man rejects and despises to whom the nations abhor,He who is faithful the LORD of Israel,has chosen you.I have helped you and preserved you,and I will rise up from its present state of ruin.Say to those who are in spiritual darkness,come in to the light of the (son) of righteousness.Your day is drawing nigh and time is not on your side.
  Those who wait upon the LORD will not be disappointed.So wait,hope,and expect the LORD....