Thursday, September 20, 2012

Can we trust God? Can we rely on God? Does your faith and belief go that far? What if it doesn't,
 will that make Gods word of no effect? Are believers the only way Gods word is carried out in the world today?
        First off what is the definition of Trust:- "Assured reliance on the character,ability,strength,or truth of someone or something. I believe that Gods words meets this criteria, it is His character and ability and strength to fulfill His word. ( I have received His healing in my body by His word.) I speak through experience and have been enabled to walk freely in His word. Learning to rely on His word, that is to have confidence in His word,trust and to be dependent on Him is the beginning of faith and belief of action in my life. Today as I write these words  the presence of the Holy Spirit arises in me to call to attention each and every believer. The body is coming together and our cry is heard of the Lord to trust in Him as never before, the time of our learning is now a time of discerning His Spirit within us.Speak out and proclaim this is the hour of salvation and not tomorrow,TODAY,NOW,HE IS ALIVE......So lift up your voice;do not hold back; lift up your voice as a trumpet; declare to my people their transgressions and sins, and seek Him daily and delight to know His ways,as a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the judgement of their God....Delight to draw near to God (Isa.58:1-2).
      Gods word will be done on earth as it is in heaven,no man or devil can keep it from happening.We are just an instrument in helping to bring it about.(2Sam23:2-5) "The God of Israel has spoken; the Rock of Israel has said to me;When one rules justly over men,ruling in the fear of God, He dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning; like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth. For does not my house stand so with God? For He has made me with an everlasting covenant,ordered in all things and secure.For will He not cause to prosper all my help and my desire? ( to walk uprightly before Him).
The beginning of today is the first day of the rest of my life,in Christ Jesus...AMEN.....tom

Monday, September 10, 2012

                             God is speaking to you and me,do you want to hear?

His still small voice makes us aware of  certain things even before we know what the word says about them.This is because the Holy Spirit which is in us speaks to our spirit teaching us truth. Then our spirit relays His promptings to our minds and suddenly we have a new thought. " I need to forgive" or " need to help financially," These are a few things that come to mind, but as we become aware of His Spirit in our everyday affairs we will begin to respond. We will develop a habit of allowing the Spirit of Truth to reveal Gods will to us.The word is what we rely on,and this is built up in us by the time we spend in reading ,studying and praying.Praying becomes the point of time we spend with Him, in Matt.26:40 ( He asks us for just 1 hour ). How much time we devote to prayer is the time we receive in hearing His voice. The Spirit is directing us to spend more time in prayer for we are not special people and we must spend time in prayer to learn to listen to His voice. Think how much more our lives would gain if we could know in every situation the voice of God telling and directing us what to do! Doesn't this excite you to know that this is possible in your daily walk with Him, the words of the song "He walks with me,and He talks with me,and tells me along the way we go." Yes this is a new beginning so pray with out ceasing,ask and it will be given you,seek and you will find,all words of truth for us,so start tuning your ear to His voice.And from this day forward seek to hear His his love, tom

Sunday, September 9, 2012

                   Tired of playing games with the lord, it's time to get serious!

As I read Matt.8:1-31,I see healing and hear Jesus calling us to do the same and greater. Yet we fail because we ask amiss. There is sickness, disease and marriages falling apart,all because we fail to take authority over these situations. We allow curses rather than blessings to flow from our mouths. As we begin each day with prayers, what are we seeking in those prayers? Who do we want to be in control of our lives,self or God's Holy Spirit, self is a mighty weapon and if given over to the Holy Spirit it will accomplish Gods will and not our own.
Salvation is of the Lord,but now we must act upon this by studying and loosing the word of God to those around us. Let us come together in a new understanding of Gods word. It is alive and active,and the word in us gives power and authority over the world. We together make up the church and body of Christ,stop and think about which part you are? Are you the ear,eye,or hand,or the tongue,what ever you are you are apart of the body and can be used to bring about salvation to the lost. But if the body is broken than it can not function properly. So therefore it must be repaired,the first step is coming together,then we must confess our sins and be cleansed of all unrighteousness.Healing takes place when we face our sin and ask forgiveness. The body heals and becomes effective,we become the eye,ear,the hand and tongue of God in the world!
 Our life is over in a moment of time,so ask your self if it has been well spent on the Lord. Are we to busy seeking and doing our own pleasure,Fretting about the things of this world? Now is the time to act on the WORD for eternity is but a breath away.............
HE WHO CAN His love, tom