Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hearken to the Lord, You who follow after righteousness and justice. look to Abraham your father,I have blessed him and made him many."O" people of the Lord,LISTEN,LISTEN for a divine law has gone forth from the LORD. He will establish justice for light to the people.Gods righteousness is near,His salvation is going forth and His arm shall rule the people,and on His arm we shall trust and hope.Lift up your eyes, for the Heavens shall be dissolved and vanish away like smoke.But His salvation shall be forever,His righteousness and justice shall not be abolished. LISTEN you who know righteousness and justice and right standing with GOD,the people whose heart is GODS law,and instruction: fear not the reproach of men,neither be afraid, for in comparison to the LORD they are so weak that things as insignificant as a moth shall eat them up like a garment,and the worm shall eat them as wool. His faithfully fulfilled promise Shall be forever and His salvation is to all generations.And the redeemed of the LORD shall return and come singing to Zion,and ever lasing joy shall be upon their heads. For I am the LORD your GOD, who rebukes and restrains, the Lord of Host is my name.And I will put the words in your mouth and cover you in the shadow of my hand, that I may fix the new heavens as a tabernacle and lay the foundations of a new earth and say to Zion,YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. The cup of My wrath you shall drink no more.For I will put this into the hands of your tormentors and oppressors, those who have said bow down that we may ride or tread over you: and you have made your back like the ground and the street for them to pass over.....Now awake and shake off the dust and realize who you are in CHRIST JESUS..........for from this day forward you who are Mine shall have no fear for I am the GOD that helps you,therefore  set your face as a flint and know that you will not be put to shame...Who will contend with us, Let us stand together  and go forth by word and deed....................PRAISE THE LORD.................tom

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Isn't it interesting how today they occupy what some call evil capitalism! When we should be fighting the evil forces with the WORD of GOD. EPHESIANS 6:13-17 explains to us as Christians how we should prepare for this battle.Gods Word says to be able to withstand in the evil day, prepare with the gospel.So just how prepared are we to face the evil of the day? Occupy is a military term meaning to hold possession,or control,of a of conquered troops and territory. To do this effectively,most of us are going to have to change our attitudes.      We need to recognize that  JESUS has already won the victory. We are not on the defensive Satan is!! SO NOW PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD,now he is not able to withstand our offence and he(Satan) will flee...
Don't neglect any of the armor we have been given.Wear it all and keep him on the defensive----OCCUPY TILL JESUS RETURNS. LUKE 12:34-44, Vs.35> "Keep your loins girded and your lamps burning...(for GODS WORD IN AND ABOUT YOU IS TRUTH,and truth will prevail!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

"when the pressure is on"

Have you ever noticed that those who have the most exciting,faith-inspiring testimonies are those who have been under pressure at some time in there lives.These are the people who stayed faithful when the pressure was on.They walked in the knowledge of His word and believed, trusted and faithfully walked in His promises.When this question arises in you,[ Well God why did you let this happen to me? ] Its time to step back and evaluate the situation.When tough times seem to hang on and the situation your in does not seem to improve it is time to get into the word and find the promises of God to handle it.If you don't reevaluate yourself and look to see where you have gone astray the problem will persist. So now ask God (God i don't know what is wrong here and I am asking you to show me),one thing  I know is that the problem is not with you,So I will continue to be moved not by circumstances,but by your promises. So I want to encourage you to stand on the word of God, for He is able to deliver you, so keep honoring Him with the words of your mouth...[" when the going gets tough,the tough in God get going"'] A great read Psalm 62....your friend in Christ........tom

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Teach me O Lord

Have you ever been in a place of thought were your thinking seems to go awry? When considering Gods word for your walk and wondering why you are not receiving the path to follow. This to me is the race that I am running,to win is to understand how to run the course and find those solutions to getting to the end in due time.The time is now and the solutions are Gods laws and statutes.Keeping our thoughts and desires on His word will continually renew our minds to His will in our life.Each day is a new day in His will for us, so each day as we consider His word we are renewed to His will for us.So today I am seeing this in Psalms119:33-36.> I see understanding that He wants us to follow with our whole heart the path of His commandments,inclining our hearts to His testimonies and not to covet.For our God is mighty to the tearing down of strongholds of evil and the spiritual forces that come against us.He is able..Hebrews12:1-7>[ we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who bear testimony to the truth,so strip off and throw aside every encumbrance ,unnecessary weight,and that sin which so readily and cleverly clings to and entangles us. So let us run with patience and steady and active persistence the appointed course that is set before us.Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus,who is the leader and the source of our faith{THE WORD} He who endured for us, so that we too could come to the fullness of knowing Gods grace and mercy,So now forget not His divine Word of appeal and encouragement in which we are addressed as sons.And if sons than able to submit and endure correction.That correction which is found through the word of God. I leave you with this thought....Who are you in Christ Jesus, and what race are you running?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


DUET.6:5 says "You shall love the Lord thy God with all your mind and heart and with your entire being and with all your might."Is this possible? After all this is the first commandment and if God has asked us to do this than it must be possible,because he said this to the Jew first in vs.7:7 "and the Lord did not set His love upon you and choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the fewest of all." Vs.8 " but because the Lord Loves you and because He would keep the oath which He had sworn to your fore fathers,the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bondage,from the hand of Pharaoh of king of Egypt. Vs.9 "Know,Recognize, and Understand therefore that the Lord your God, HE IS GOD.,the faithful God, who keeps covenant and stead fast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.Vs.10 " He will repay them that hate Him....Vs.13"And He will love you,and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your body and the fruit of your land,your grain,new wine and oil (your work)your coming and your going, You shall be blessed above all peoples.............How than can we say is it NOT possible, it is possible, for like Abraham who was ready to sacrifice Issac, his first born,because of his love and faithfulness to the Lord, proved himself worthy of Gods love; therefore God sent His son but did not spare Him for the love He had for us. How can I not love so great a God who would give His only begotten Son for me.God who sends us His word so that we can gain eternal life with Him through His Son who died for us. Yes it is easy to see why love can so easily be returned to a father that loves me as He does.
    I counted the word love more than 60 times in the Old testament,and I haven't even started in the new. Think about how we use the word love in our daily lives,I LOVE you,I LOVE ice cream,.steak and potatoes, fruits and vegetables,sex,pets,animals, flowers and the world. Is there anything we really can't find to love? Unfortunately it usually is God.We say all roads lead to God,yes this is true,but to Gods judgement,How will you speak for yourself  when He asks of you about His Son,what reply will come forth from your heart?.....something to ponder,Oh yes you can say there is no God as many do,but life ends and you will be accountable.....So I say to you,seek and you shall find,ask and it will be revealed to you,He is waiting!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

" Have you heard THE SONG: LOVE TRAIN......

The LOVE TRAIN is a blessing for all nations. Abraham after receiving  Gods call undergirded  by his faith in the  covenant promise Of God. A man of faith and prayer a friend of God (2CHON.20:7).His greatest attribute was his determination to be obedient to God,what ever the cost. This obedience brought God's blessing upon him: (1) he became the patriarch of the nations,(2) he entered the Promised Land (3) he became the bestower of blessing upon all the nations.If you read GEN.12:1-3.>VV.4-6>HEB.11:8>GEN.15:6;18:23-33;22:1-18.We are the continuation of that blessing, yes the USA, look at all the Nations through out history who failed to bless Israel and where they are? Can we still save or turn America back to ("One Nation Under GOD") or has the Majority finally been silenced !! The true LOVE TRAIN is allowing God to reveal His LOVE to all through His followers and  walking in His (AGAPE) Love, truly showing our forgiveness and our Love for the sinner and understanding how to Show that Gods mercy is for all. I have found this to be the most difficult to attain to.But as I seek out more and more of Gods word,not only is He gracious,righteous and merciful He preserves the simple: I was brought low,and he helped ME. I will walk with the Lord in the land of the living,and call upon his name to deliver those He has brought into my path.I will proclaim this day that the Lord has made......Now will you get on His Love train and begin a journey that will never end? If you do, call aloud for He will hear you and will lead you to His still waters ( PS.23 ).Be an instrument of the Lord,He is the potter we are the clay, so start by renewing your mind in the word of GOD .Put it first the whole day thru and see what God will do for you....IN HIS LOVE...tom